A-Z of Back Pain - ZorbaBooks
Cure back pain

A-Z of Back Pain

by Dr Shiv Dua


E-Book Price ₹241 / $4.00

ISBN 9789381239223
Languages English
Pages 170
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Genre: Medical, alternate therapies, back pain, homeopathy, yoga, message, acupressure, exercise, diet management, naturopathy, osteopathy biochemics, touch therapy, magnet therapy.


A-z of Back pain is a guide to help cure back pain. Back pain is an ancient disease existing from times immemorial. It is a widely known disease that prompts millions of people in the world to visit a doctor’s clinic every day. It is so common a disease that no one takes it seriously in the first instance. Only when it continues for long, people start to worry.  You need not worry now.  ‘A-Z of Back Pain’ will guide you to cure back pain, will tell you the best method of managing your back pain through alternative therapies, it’s a homebook homeopathy. Forget pain killers. Harmless homeopathy medicine can replace pain killers. You need not go to the doctor, you can treat your back pain at home.Use this homebook homeopathy for resolving back pain issues

Check the health of your back now

When your back pain disappears on taking  painkiller tablets but pains return when you stop taking the tablets.

When you have continued indigestion.

When your abdominal muscles are weak and are painful at times.

When you are obese and you are not making any effort to reduce your weight.

When your shoes are not comfortable and toes feel compressed.

When you do not sit, and stand correctly, abusing your postures.

When you have arthritis, frequent urine tract infections (kidney), chronic constipation or liver problems.

About The Author

Dr. Shiv Dua, M.A., D.I.Hom. (London), HMD (UK) is a well known name in the literary circle of Homoeopathy. He was working in Geological Survey of India as a driller (related to earth- science). Homoeopathy was his passion because his father had a charitable dispensary at home. He worked with him right from childhood. Creative writing was in his blood. At the age of twelve, his first story was published in Hindi Milap, Jullundher. He did his M.A. in English, and Honors in Hindi. Many of his English/Hindi stories were published in Rajasthan Patrika (English), Alive, Heritage and Mukta etc. In Homoeopathy, he did D.I.Hom (London), and HMD (UK) from British Institute of Homoeopathy, London.
His twelve books on homoeopathy/alternative therapy have been published. Many of his books have been translated to Spanish, French, Russian and Arabic. His latest book was ‘A to Z of Back Pains’ and Easy Practical Homoeopathy published by Zorba Books .
Jungle Alone’ is his first novel related to his jungle life.


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