Be Positive
Be Positive
being positive is a worried lot,
negatives, roaming free,
a twist, time unfolds,
being negative is looked upon.
being positive, hopes against hope.
sharing positive proximity with many,
today isolation is what he see.
“bless you”, were the words
when you sneeze
today they curse and flee
a free world, free to live, but
being positive, you pay to breathe.
like gold the smith refines,
nature’s ire, reminds.
week after week, stuck inside
not sure, when will it pass
gripped in fear,
turning positive raised anxiety.
notorious kind, salivating
vote from you, but beds for a dime.
unknown enemy, serves better,
no differentiation him or mine.
making hay… who’ll rein the fox?
of what help is? when common,
is not within common’s reach
be positive, a crown title
corona has made it thine.