Level up day - ZorbaBooks

Level up day

                   Level up day

Twenty two years back a cute child born in Tamil Nadu. Everyone in the baby's family was very anxious to have a thought that would be the male child boy before the baby was born. But the biggest disappointment for everyone is that it's not a boy, it's a girl baby. But, the parents of the baby, their thought is that the baby is a treasure for us from God like that. Then that child began to grow up on this earth with full of knowledge and very good character. That child to that parent, not the first child. But, the baby is a fifth in filial order. And the baby had four beautiful sisters. They were also in very good character. And they took cared the child with very affectionately.

  The parents who named the child Beulah Jasmine. The baby was growing. She is like a very good sort of character in all the things like education and moral level etc.., If I want to define about her thoroughly with an analysis, she is a all rounder and she is like a Busy Bee​​​​ 🐝 

                 Beulah is my bestie sister alias my dear friend. Three years of relationship, we had completed our studies with together. But, our bad separation makes to separate us now. But not in mind level. I have learned so many things from her. And she is my sorrow wiper, best motivator and cheers giver. What I want from her is that to maintain our relationship for long periods to continue and never ever arise misunderstanding between us. A good friend is like a precious treasure and which is given by God. Likewise, she is my precious gift from God.

  Friendship gives a joyful mood to our mind and make to stay with us cheerful in all the times. Likewise, she always made me to feel good in all the times. She is an optimistic girl. Her mouth always brings out the positive words. And also she tried to insert the positive way of things in other's mind. I am one of them in the list of her friends. So, I can say proudly, I am also one of the guy in the people list she met in her life.

Life based on with thorns and flowers, evil and good, sufferings and happiness, truth and lie. Like that a relationship having both meeting and separation. It's okay for over separation, but it doesn't has a power to separate us from our true relationship with true love. Long ago, my bestie born in this sand by the grace of God and the Same spirit of God who made us connect. This writing is just a symbol of my love to express my feelings to her for a special occasion that is her level up day.

  Without love, human being is like an empty fellow. In our lives love is an essential thing for every beings. So, she is my for ever bestie sister Vs friend. From this I want to express my wishes to her with full of affection and lots of love.

Happy level up day my most lovable sweet heart.




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Tamil Nadu