Karma – ZorbaBooks

Karma Package

All Features

Services already listed in this package.
Overall Specifications
Book Binding :
Book Cover (Colour) :
Inside Pages in a Book (B&W) :
Image Insertion  :
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Book Size :
5.5 x 8.5
Suited to the Following Book Genres :
Poetry, Nouvella, short-stories, Students
ISBN & Copyright
Print Book ISBN :
eBook ISBN :
Copyright :
Editing of Manuscript
Proof Reading  :
Add on
Copy Editing  :
Add on
Editing Proof  :
Add on
Book Formatting
Book Formatting  :
Book Designing  :
Add on
Premium Line Illustrations  :
Add on
Formatting Proof (Digital) :
Revisions* :
Cover Design
Premium Cover Design  :
Customized Cover Design  :
Add on
Cover Design Proof (Digital) :
Revision* :
Marketing Guidance  :
Add on
Peep into the Book  :
Dedicated Book Page  :
Dedicated Authors Page  :
Dynamic and Responsive Website  :
Add on
A+ Content :
Add on
Email Marketing :
Add on
Setting up Social Media Accounts :
Add on
Targeted Book Brochure  :
Designer Visiting Cards :
High End Video teaser  :
Add on
Running Paid Campaigns :
Add on
Amazon coupon :
Add on
Zorba Books coupon :
Promotion on Social Media :
Add on
Amazon Prime :
Add on
Promotion on Amazon :
Add on
Author Page on Amazon:
Book Management
Production Manager  :
Free Copies :
Additional Copies for Author :
@ 30% Discount
Inventory Management :
Book Distribution
Online Distribution in India  :
International Distribution :
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Amazon.com Distribution :
Add on
Book Store Distribution :
Add on
Ebook Creation & Distribution
Ebook Creation  :
Add on
Ebook Distribution Worldwide :
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Royalty & Sales Support
Author Dashboard :
Sales and Royalty 24 x 7:
After Sales Support :
On Email
Author Profit :
80% of Net Profit
Want to add services in your package? Click CUSTOMISE :

Customise Package with Add-on Features

Select services to meet your Book Publishing goal.
Overall Specifications
For a book in colour, size 5.5" X8.5", maximum 56 pages
Change in size: 6" X 9" or A4 or A5
Every additional copy including shipping
Cover Design
Every additional premium cover option
Customized cover design with cover design proof
1 additional round of cover page corrections
Formatting every additional page
1 additional round of text page corrections
Book Enhancement
Inserting image/illustration
Basic Illustrations black and white
Superior illustrations
Basic Illustrations in colour
Superior illustrations in colour
Complex editing – Upto 25,000 words
Editing additional words
Dynamic 5 page website
Instagram giveaways
Facebook setup and promotion - First month
Facebook promotion - Additional months
Amazon Prime
One online press release
High End Video teaser
Book Review
Promotion on Amazon
Author Page on Amazon
International Distribution
Distribution to 10 book stores in India
Ebook Creation and Distribution

Customised Package

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All features of Karma Package at ₹25,900

Total: 25,900

Author Testimonials