Accept the change - ZorbaBooks

Accept the change

“Don’t fear change – Embrace it.” – Anthony J.D’ Angelo

” Change is always tough. Even for those who see themselves as agents of change, the process of starting a new thing can cause times of disorientation, uncertainty and insecurity.” – Joyce Meyer

Youth inspires and empowers us to great extent! They play a key role in our economy! They are the pillars who can make the foundation strong in reality. Managerial skills will help taught by their Gurus in different modes will make them to discover in an innovative and dynamic manner to find the new ways with the help of technology to bring revolutionary change in the next few years is their target. We have more than one third of our population covered with young achievers with powerful knowledge acquired by them in their respective trades makes them as useful force in the near future to prove them as an young and dynamic heroes of this great nation in reality. Seniors have to guide them in right direction to move forward to achieve their goals well in time is the right way of approach in real life. Faculty will play a crucial role to guide the students in writing papers, submitting presentations, preparing to conduct workshops, group discussions, acquiring knowledge thru various means will be helpful and make them strong and stable in reality. Technology plays key role in this respect. No boundaries, no limitations, world is wide. Anybody can go to anywhere and everywhere. They have to expand their wings like a bird to fly high.

You, yourself alone can change everything! Willpower leads us to move forward in right direction with right people at the right place in right time with right cause to accomplish the right results is the right way of approach. Adopt yourself! It helps to cope up with likeminded people to express our views and obtain the information to share with others transforms in a systematic and dynamic manner to bring some change with winning mindset keeps us to transform over a period of time and again. Accept change and plan accordingly. Be prepared to move forward with change. Without change we cannot proceed. Vision helps to move forward. Vision with values allows us to grow in a better way. If you want revise or alter, make some changes and corrections where required gives more clarity. Editing helps to change the script in a desired manner to an attractive way to the reader and feels happy to read the article in an understandable manner gives some clarity. Teach yourself based on your experience. Your life itself will teach many things on daily basis. You are the best teacher for yourself. You can correct and rectify where required depending on the need and necessity. Leadership begins with change. A leader can change many people.

Believe! Belief gives everything! It creates desire! It helps to focus! It makes to dream brig! It gives strength to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It gives will and thrill. Obstacles and hurdles are part of the process. Nothing is impossible in this world once you feel yourself to plan and perform and implement it in disciplined manner no one can stop you in this world. When your intention is good and zeal is created within makes it happen thru your effort. Effort alone gives the best results. You are the root cause of everything. It starts from you and ends with you. Believe! Change! Plan! Feel! Attitude gives everything! Be wise! Be realistic! Be genuine! Be active! Be alert! Practice makes us perfect! Discover! It helps to grow. It inspires! Change is must and mandatory for good cause. Vision and values will help to accept the change and makes us to think in an innovative and dynamic way to apply the technology in changed scenario force us to apply the artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobile technology, information technology, computer applications, have removed the bars and reduced the distance from person to person, place to place, and the world has become a global village.

Rest is must! Without rest we become rust! Give some gap after doing something continuously. Never work more than two hours forcibly. Just relax! Move from your workplace to the other and have a cup of tea makes you to become more effective and fresher to think in a dynamic and systematic manner to fulfill your needs in all respects keep everyone goes smoothly and fairly makes easy to understand in a better manner and apply the sense with the brain solves all the problems. Frequent intervals give clarity to plan well and perform better to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It is more productive and gives strength to produce more with quality and quantity. We can apply our brain in a peaceful manner keeps us to think better and helps to discover more in an innovative approach. A little break makes an impact on the part of individual in performance and productivity and health grounds also it shows some change when compared to others is stressed here with good intention. Never underestimate or neglect your health. Health is better than wealth. Once it is lost difficult to recover with money. We cannot get back the same health irrespective of the money you spent and time place a crucial role in this respect. Stick on timings!

Love yourself makes you to live others. Once you know the love you can share with others. To say frankly for love there are no limits, particular time or period is not necessary to allocate or prepare for expression. Once you feel you can express anytime, every time, everywhere, anywhere, always. No restriction at all. True love can reach without boundaries. Unconditional love gives us happiness. It makes us joy with pleasure and gives peace of mind. We cannot get happiness with materialistic things by spending with money. A rose can make a difference in some one’s heart! True love needs reality! It keeps us longer to shorter with our own expressions we become closer and nearer. Love has no limits! It is on regular and everyday process. It flows like a river. It moves on and keeps on touch within wherever we are and whatever we do whenever we meet or feel it comes and gives happiness in all respects, at all times, on all occasions is worthful. A small support/guidance makes an impact on the part of receiver. Saying thanks, good morning, listening, and look at the mirror and say thanks to yourself and feel proud of you. Spend the time with yourself gives great relief and extra energy with lot of peace and protection in real life.

Remember, recreation is part of our life which gives more energy with joy inspires us to move with our neighbors, friends, and likeminded people keeps us with more happiness. Spending time with mother nature early morning or evening while walking, cycling, swimming gives great relief to our mind to keep us fresh rest of the day. At the same time, apart from our work we can allocate some time towards reading different type of books and listening to music enhances our brain to be sharp and discover with innovative way alerts us to take rest with light refreshments for every two to three hours make us fit to work most effectively in an environment where we spend our time gives us efficient results in real life. The end result is we should feel happy at all times, on all occasions, at every stage of our life is possible with our positive attitude allows us to move forward to plan and implement the above-mentioned activities with joy and pleasure. Our intentions will help to accept and create richness in thought process to make our mind fair and fresh leads us to go ahead miles and miles towards our journey in reality. Willpower gives power within to ignite the light and create the zeal with support and guidance lead the life.

Kindness is a great concept to cure, treat, hear, help, love, peace, pray, the world with better understanding thru discovering the facts and figures make some sense and gives an idea to proceed further with love and affection allows us to lead a happy and peaceful life in this universe. It gives us an opportunity to meet the people and express our views to invite them for accomplishing our goals with right attitude at the right place in right time for the right cause to acquire the right thoughts with right people is the right way of living. It leads to grow as part of community development. Kindness always gives progress in many ways. Whether it may be in terms of satisfaction, pleasure, peace, prosperity, awareness, unity, effort, discovering new things, introducing the new concepts, good health, what not. Smile is a symbol of success. It makes us to reach people whole heartedly to express our views with others. Our intention should be good enough to move with people to make it concrete and stay long in the minds of public gives clarity to convince and confirm the cause is good for the sake of people will make it happen for good to them. Kindness has power. It has no limits. It will touch the hearts of everyone as human beings.

We are not here to please everyone all the times in this universe. It is highly impossible to make happy everybody. Do not force anybody to do this or that instead it is always better to give options to select based on their interest looks flexible and feel freedom to select the way how they like and make them happy to plan and perform in a better way to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Always consider that NO means you KNOW that they say NO to you. If that is the case, you never feel agony or sorrow and convert it as a positive vibration. Make your skin thick to adjust for all negative things to convert as a challenge to face it in future makes us to move in positive direction with positive people for acquiring positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. While performing mistakes will happen. It is part of the process. One has to realize and recollect to discover and update not to repeat the same mistakes again which turns as habit makes our personality to accustom for doing it. Instead, it is better to understand to know the ground reality then assess yourself with your knowledge and the information available can minimize the mistakes and helps to improve skills.

Let us start to live with power and purpose! They make us with endless possibilities! Dream big! Achieve big! Try to reach high as much as possible! Be like a bird and fly like an eagle! It never compromises to face the challenges! Set your own goal and follow accordingly. Hopes and aspirations are part of the process. Expectations and ambitions make us to feel better and plan well to perform in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Love and light ignite the power within to get the flame out in the form of our effort keeps us alert and awake to discover innovative and dynamic way moves us to flow like the water in river which flows forward continuous and systematic manner irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur in between it reaches its destination safely and securely well in time is the best example to quote here. Let us rededicate ourselves to know the purpose of living with forward thinking gives us positive energy with positive vibrations make us strong and stable to face the challenges that occur on regular basis makes it happen thru our effort gives us pleasure and satisfaction in reality. Live as rising star! Sun! Moon! Sky is the limit! Move on! Action plays! Keep doing!

We are uniting! It gives strength, energy, fitness, zeal and enthusiasm, safety and security, inspiration, empowerment, engagement, enlarge us to widen as much as we can gives us growth to great extent in real life. That is the power of Super Freeques. Willpower gives ability to create love and affection, kindness helps us to think in better manner to help others with positive attitude to live together and move together, works together, and achieve the results together gives pleasure and joy. It heals and breaks all at once. Never allow the speck of doubt or fear under any circumstances it has no place to stay with us and keep on doing with positive energy will spread the positive vibrations among us gives more clarity makes strong by laying the pillars to strengthen the building with great values gives vision to proceed further by creating confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals is the right way of living. Space is there always as long as will is there. Where there is will there is a way. Will gives skill. Skill gives energy. It inspires and empowers us to do the things on regular basis. Spiritual growth is the way for peaceful growth. It enlightens and enhances us to grow.

The Japanese word kaizen means “change for better” is a good sign to apply in our daily life as an individual or organization gives us an inspiration to discover something on regular basis keeps us to feel happy and enjoy the work where we involve and spend most of our time to live and love keeps us to lift and upgrade and update to the next level in real life. It motivates us to evaluate, appreciate, support, guide, encourage, involve, train, improve, discover, learn, relearn, rectify, resolve, regenerate, introduce, in all respects, at all times, on all occasions to help as an individual or as group gives more strength to proceed further towards our goals set to perform in a planned manner in an effective and efficient way to implement for acquiring the best results in due course gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. As an individual, an entrepreneur, or in any other capacity one has to improve regularly on daily basis to get the success for our future in a better manner with innovative approach gives scope to grow as a leader and witness the results to develop the leadership qualities by improving our network thru various means is the net worth in reality. Kaizen helps to grow horizontally.

If we do not change as per the needs and requirements of this fast-moving world, we have to look for a chance to survive and sustain on daily basis is the truth in reality. Change as fast as you can, as much as you can, as well as you can gives an opportunity to prove as a dynamic performer either in terms of your service or product or anything for that matter it applies. Reliability, availability, affordability, quality, timely, with task oriented, result oriented, focus oriented, gives priority in the near future. To achieve these qualities, one has to discover on regular basis with discipline, dedication, determination, sacrifice, focus, commitment, positive attitude, burning desire, skill development, train, motivate, update and upgrade to understand in a better manner keeps us to stay in the market in changed environment. Otherwise, we will be pushed back forcibly and disappear slowly over a period of time is fact. Do not give chance to others to occupy your place and be ready to change yourself at any cost, anytime, anywhere, everywhere, makes us to stand proudly as brand ambassador of a particular product or service keeps us to stay in long run in the minds of customer and the public as well. An effort alone can achieve it!

Each and every step makes us to reach miles and miles to cross our milestones in reality. It gives us scope to move from our comfort zone to a learning zone and discover something new in a dynamic and systematic way to put the step forward towards confident and courage zone which leads us to sacrifice everything and focus more on victory zone where we get some recognition and gives some satisfaction to shoulder more with lot of responsibility and accountability to fulfill the needs of our own people makes us to feel happy and enjoy the fruits in reality. It is like a cycle and moves on from place to place, time to time, event to event, it happens on regular basis. It is like a flowing river. The river never flows reverse. It moves on! It keeps on! It goes on! That is the power of will! Willpower is ultimate! Each step is like a steppingstone gives strength to our step and fulfills our desire in such a way that it creates the staircase to rise high as much as we can with our effort and ability to prove ourselves as useful citizens of this great universe. It leads us to create a logistic society and develop a great community to make the nation as strong and stable to prove this world as worthful. Let us rededicate and proceed!

Selection of a word is an art! One has to cultivate to use the words properly while speaking, writing, reading, explaining, presenting, in an understandable manner which gives some sort of awareness and feel memorable forever with good intention and give some sense and meaningful in all respects at all times on all occasions is worth quoting here in this respect. Once the word is delivered will not come back. Choosing word indicates the wise of an individual depending on the way we speak and the time we present at the place where we deliver makes an impact on the part of receiver based on the situation. Be genuine and respect the people while using the words carefully and cautiously. Never hurt anybody with our body language or the word for that matter makes an impact on the part of receiving end is truth. Grow your network by using good words and wishing them with love gives back the net worth. Give respect and take respect is part of the process. Stay in touch with people and utilize the media for this purpose. Linked in is one of the best to use and express our views thru articles we can present and submit to improve our communication skills and develop the relations in long run. Let us practice and get the perfection.

If we keep it aside whether winning or the loosing of a particular game and the main purpose is kept in mind it is better to consider it as sporting it gives us great relief, happiness, inspiration, excitement, thrilling, activeness, strength, ability, feeling of performance, participation itself is a winning attitude, winner feeling, belongingness, togetherness, keeps us to reach high and move forward with likeminded people for better cause gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Moving with people is strength. It indicates unity and feel as we are one. People work together for one common cause with many hands is the art of sportsmanship. It gives purpose and leads us towards diversity. Character and hard work together with unity leads us towards victory with fair play gives excellent results. Kindness leads us with great zeal of enthusiasm towards our cause with good intention makes it happen in reality. People support will add as strength and keeps us to move together as a team and put a step forward will help to reach many steps and gain the cause behind it is worthful to mention here on this occasion. Will gives thrill! Thrill gives skill! Skill gives acceptance. Acceptance makes us to win together. The purpose is served.

We should not judge people spontaneously or instantly on the face of it based on the information available or the event occurred even in our presence will hurt us after knowing the fact leads us to the deepest disappointment. Because we do not know the inner feelings, real facts, mindset of an individual and takes some reasonable time to realize and understand in a better manner slowly step by step when time passes is witnessed here on this occasion. Never come to the conclusions and decisions so quickly keeps us in agony and stress. Mere jumping into the conclusions will bring and invite the problems created by us on our own. Wait! Take some reasonable time to determine and come to a conclusion. Have patience! Love alone makes us to reach close to our heart and stay with us forever. A small event makes big meaning in a wide way to realize, recollect, respond, feel, reconsider, resolve, respect, design, express, justified, lost, maintained, helped, invited, called, used, shown, placed, taught, valued, wished, given wisdom in different ways if we think it with right spirit, right attitude, right mindset, right approach, right cause, right time, right place, gives us the right results. Believe! Belief gives everything! Love! Live!

Bright colors! Everything looks bright! It gives brightness! Footsteps will allow us to move forward to get the progress by reaching miles and miles towards our journey with joy and peace. Change helps to move in different direction any number of times till we get the required results. Change is must and inevitable for good cause. Let us change to create with innovative approach to make some change in us when compared to our previous day. That itself is a steppingstone one can take with determination and dedication to sacrifice something and focus more on our desired goals on this Valentin’s Day to spread the love and affection with everyone as much as possible gives us energy, joy. pleasure and peace of mind. It is an indication that we are moving towards positive way to discover something new and create an idea to change this world. Love yourself! Live yourself! It is not selfish! Then think about your own surroundings to share your joy with others. We are humans! We should live together! As long as our intentions are good everyone can help us. Togetherness gives more strength. We can achieve more and more as long as we are united. Unity gives strength. Let us unite! Let us be polite! Let us highlight! Let us be bright!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao