Extraordinary impact - ZorbaBooks

Extraordinary impact

Impossible will become possible! Ordinary becomes extraordinary! Negative becomes positive! Violence becomes silence! Unfortunate becomes fortunate! Unbelievable will turn as believable! Light is the source for everything! It keeps us away from darkness! It shows the path to move in positive direction! It enlightens and inspires us in many ways thru the sunrays which is natural, and God given gift. Wisdom gives knowledge! Knowledge gives confidence and courage to proceed further towards our needs and requirements. Awareness is the source of everything to find the ways and means which gives power and strength to enlarge and widen the activity with the help of our own ability makes it happens in reality. That itself is called the will. Will leads us with creativity. Light shows the direction to move and find the new opportunities to know where abouts. At the same time, it helps to meet the people and allow to live together with our winning mindset makes it happen in reality. Focus helps to see with our vision. Vision helps to plan and perform. Performance will give the results. Results will speak better than us. They prove that we are worthful. It creates spark within us to generate the power and ignite the lightning in natural way.

Make your own evaluation and analyze yourself on regular basis makes you to realize and nurture as an intellectual and an outstanding personality to prove yourself that you are useful product of this world. Never wait for anybody to recognize or appreciate and forget then do not bother too much about applause or any other sort of favoritism or helping hand. Instead discover your own inner skills and try to bring out in the form of your effort let it prove to this world in a dynamic manner in order to fetch the fruitful results thru your vision and strategic way of approach makes it happen and let them feel that you are the real achiever, active personality, enhanced and established individual, proven track record makes you to stand as better individual in reality. Your attitude itself will give an opportunity to understand by others. They will realize and recollect to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on you in due course. No doubt, it takes some time. Nothing happens instantly. Everything takes its own time and energy. Have patience! Wait for the opportunity. The day will come and the work you performed will speak louder than anybody. Show your strength in the form of your own activity and exhibit it in visible way.

Life is like a flowing river! It will not stop for anybody! It moves on! Time passes unknowingly! Our life and time both are like a coin! A coin has two sides! Both are equally important! Time is precious! If we waste the time, it will not come back. Past is past! It is like a wastepaper. We need not worry much about our past. Just look forward what to do in the present is in front of us. Live in your present. Do your best in a given time with the available resources with the skills acquired by you will have some sense and gives some fruitful results which helps to build the future. Our life is also like that. Action plays a role. Effort alone gives the results. Consistent effort gives consistent results. Never be as a spectator. Be as performer. Performance gives power. It empowers and inspires us. Inspiration is the root cause for every activity to get the desire which makes us to attempt and discover the vision to plan in an innovative manner makes it happen in reality. Plan of action gives plan of results. Evaluate and appreciate yourself on regular basis. Self-motivation is the best way of approach. It makes us to work in a better manner in order to get the best results in real life. Winning mindset makes you as winner. Win!

True! Each one of us will have our own experience and suffered a lot at early stages to get the things done in a smooth manner. Every day is a new experience. Each event will teach one new lesson in reality. Be ready to accept it and plan accordingly to proceed further with your vision and dynamic approach makes you to determine and dedicate to focus more on your desired goals is the right way of living. Learning is a lifelong process. You are the driver of your own vehicle. Motivate yourself. Love yourself and your work. Evaluate and appreciate yourself. Enjoy yourself. It gives inspiration. You are the root cause of everything and anything to happen in reality thru your effort. Your effort is your valuable asset. Enjoy your life while working. This itself is an indication that you are moving towards right direction to reach your destination by creating your own path with your skills acquired and makes others to follow and enjoy the fruits in reality. Be as path maker. Be as role model. Be as a trendsetter. Be as you are. If you win yourself, you are the winner. If you set a goal you can achieve it. Thought process is ultimate. Cultivate positive attitude which gives positive thoughts to achieve the positive results. Figure out!

You are held responsible for yourself in everything whatever is going to happen in the given circumstances with the available sources and the time we have is our look out. No one bothers about you. You only have to take care of yourself. You are the present, future, and the past never allow others in your own kingdom because it is your territory. You are the king for your own premises where you live and how you live what to do what not to do is your look out. You are the best judge for your life. Your decision is final. Be careful and design properly. Take some time to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals. Take your own time and do it. Once determined never go back and stop it in the middle. Because the decision is yours. Task and the effort is yours. Result is yours. You are held responsible and accountable for everything. Never blame others for your happenings. Take care of everything on your own. You can guard it and protect it in many ways. You are the observer. You can follow-up and review it on regular basis. It is in your hands. You can upgrade and update yourself. You can change your plans any number of times no one has right to ask or interfere in between. Never change your goal. Proceed!

Slow and steady wins the race is the best policy. The road or track is not smooth all the time. Obstacles and hurdles will happen. When struggle comes, we should slow down and give a gap take some reasonable time to wait for normalcy then go slowly based on the situation prevailed keeps us in safe and secured manner the success will come out and we have to wait for the opportunity and patience is the key for success. Success is a journey not the destination. We have to struggle a lot. A lot of effort is required to get success. There is no short cut method for success. It is a combination of our own vision, plan, effort, ability, practice, grasp, attitude, skill, patience, understand, health, and other factors will work out along with God’s grace is utmost essential to be as successful and achiever. It will not happen overnight. It takes time. Time plays a key role. Play your role actively and efficiently to plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results is worth mentioned here. Winning mindset helps to grow in a better manner to achieve our goals in a systematic and dynamic way. It moves with certain restrictions when circumstances do not support, or any other difficult situation comes.

It is possible only thru spreading the love with kindness makes us to live together and love together, perform together and achieve together makes it happen in reality. Transformation helps to think in a dynamic and systematic manner and bring some change to cocreate and helps to prove as collectively. Unconditional love makes to reach everyone to share with a view that we can prove to bring some change in their lives. Community development is the way to work as one group and it is possible once we determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on it collectively, we can work out in various means with a vision and strategic plan allows us to get the things done in a systematic and dynamic manner. Lot of effort is required to achieve this event. We have to face so many obstacles and hurdles with courage and commitment as a team gives scope to grow together. Willingness helps to determine and dedicate thru serving gives us an immense pleasure and joy in many ways. Will power is ultimate! Where there is will there is a way. Plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner to reach our goals well in time. Time proves everything. Time has its own value. Set a goal and proceed. It makes an impact! Collective effort gives the best. Move forward!

Rise yourself, for the sake of others too, makes it possible when we feel and practice then implement it in an effective and efficient manner will only it happens. A lot of effort is required. Anything and everything is possible as a group if we make the team we can work out and plan well to get the things done in a systematic and dynamic manner to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Women empowerment is need of the hour. Women have to realize, react, respond, understand, help each other to grow in their respective fields with mutual awareness and respect themselves creates confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on their goals will make it happen irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur if they move forward unitedly with better understanding by knowing the ground reality helps a lot to proceed further with winning mindset in real life. Women plays multi roles as mother, spouse, sister, home maker, serving par with men in any field day and night without any limits they are working. That itself is an indication to feel proud themselves and consider them to feel pride for their own identity and recognition makes them to rise new heights and helps to make a path to follow by others.

Work, play, food, sleep, periodical rest is must on daily basis which gives us energy and strength to inspire us to discover something new with an innovative and dynamic manner elevates us to the next level in reality. It is true that even God believes in rest in order to engage and to become better than our previous day, compete with yourself to learn more and improve more and perform more to achieve more is the best way of approach. Balance your personal, professional, family, social and spiritual lives in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It is always better to take a break for every two to three hours of our work on regular basis keeps us healthy and make us wealthy with peace of mind gives us prosperity in better manner over a period of time and allows us to live and lead a better human in this universe. To say in one word, we all deserve rest periodically based on the effort we put in our tasks need to determine and dedicate to sacrifice some time and allot it for rest alone gives us the best in due course. It is proved scientifically the way of approach keeps us to be alert and awake in all respects to achieve our goals well in time. Enjoy yourself with spiritual delight without feeling guilty. Spend some time with Mother Nature which gives great relief in terms of health and thought process makes a day active.

Being an elite performer, we should surround with likeminded people makes us to become the best in the universe. When we stay with stalwarts, we always feel that we are the great performers, great leaders, and try to learn more thru various means to update and upgrade ourselves in all respects makes us to think in right direction with right people at the right place in right time with right cause for acquiring right thoughts will achieve the right results is the right way of approach. At the same time, you always feel active and alert to compare yourself with your yesterday and try to become the best in given circumstances with the available resources with the time available makes you to become perfect individual thru regular practice and makes you an elite performer to accomplish the goals set in as per the schedule designed. It helps to lead towards growth, prosperity and helps to become a great achiever. Winners will never quit! Quitters will never win! Winning mindset helps to large extent to improve in a better manner to achieve greatly. It creates positive attitude and develop the positive thinking. Thought process is ultimate! An idea can change the universe. It has its power. Willpower leads everything. Be action oriented!

Linkedin is one of the best platforms to express our views with likeminded people and others as well. It gives scope to express our views and learn from others thru various means. It is like a bridge to move from one corner to the other and travel easily without any obstacles and hurdles it helps us to reach safely and securely well in time is the right way of approach. As long as our intentions are good everybody will be with us. Let us love and live together. It gives strength. It makes us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to achieve our goals well in time. It improves our communication skills by expressing our views and interacting with others strengthen our relations when time passes is the bear fact. Let us rededicate and resolve ourselves to be the part of Linkedin community and do our best give our best and hope for the best. We will get the best. Believe! Trust! Belief gives everything. You are the root cause of everything. Set a smart goal! Follow accordingly. If you win yourself, you can win anybody! You are the performer! You are the winner! Victory creates confidence and courage to further strengthen and learn more and more to improve in better manner. Always look with positive attitude. It helps to grow well.

Without pain there is no gain! Struggle alone gives happiness! Struggle yourself, face the obstacles and hurdles that occur on regular basis then accommodate yourself to understand in better manner to know the ground reality. Plan well and perform better which yields the fruitful results in reality. Falling down is not a problem at all. Every one of us will taste it in real life. It is part of the process. Getting up is a million-dollar question. When you get up and say yourself that I am here to stand on my own, struggle alone to perform better, learn accordingly on regular basis makes you to update and upgrade yourself to the next level in reality. That is the power of will! Where there is will there is a way! Believe! Belief gives everything! You are the performer! You are the successor! Success is a journey! Things will not happen overnight. Everything will take its own time. Time plays a crucial role. There is no short cut method for success. Consistent effort gives us consistent results. Communication is key for success. Effective communication gives the effective results. Willful exercise gives willful results. Attitude plays a role! Positive attitude gives positive results. Cultivate positive attitude.

Nature is more powerful and beautiful than all of us! It creates small when it begins and grow gradually over a period of time in gigantic way, like that everything looks small in this world at the beginning and becomes great by that time when the time passes is truth in reality. That is the power of Mother Nature. It is God’s gift. It helps to understand. Imagine in such a way that we should not underestimate or neglect the things based on the look or never come to the conclusion based on the appearance. Application of brain is most essential. We have to think in a broader manner based on our experience helps us to analyze and establish the facts in reality gives the results with our plan and the effort we put in depends on various factors and skills we apply in time helps us to elevate to the next level in real life. Igniting the power within to apply the fire in the form of lighting helps us to show the way clearly and makes us to understand better to move forward towards our goals make it happen in reality. Strong will power helps to proceed further to face the challenges that occur on regular basis gives us the strength to overcome and create burning desire within to perform in a better manner allows to reach our goals.

Facing the challenges are ultimate! When we face the challenge, we can invite the growth in the form of our effort with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Burning desire helps to invite the growth to plan well and perform better in disciplined manner keeps us to elevate further to grow in our day-to-day activities. It makes us to discover in the form of learning thru various means gives us an opportunity to apply our skills in a way it needs based on the information available and situation prevailed gives the best results in reality. If you put one step forward it makes us to reach miles and miles towards our destination and allow us to face the challenges in the form of obstacles and hurdles gives the way to create new direction to follow by others is the fact. It also helps us to come out of our fear zone to learning zone. Learning zone helps us to go to the growth zone. Growth zone throws us away from the comfort zone. It makes us to work on regular basis to evaluate and appreciate to create a ladder and helps to raise step by step on daily basis allows us to grow in a systematic and dynamic manner to prove ourselves as consistent performer and the achiever as successful person.

It is always better to accept change and reframe your skills and talents in an interesting manner to become more comfortable with change to find the ways and means in order to get the fruitful results in real life. Be a continuous learner which will help you to improve in your own way where you work and perform in better manner to plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner gains the new skills in an understanding manner and apply them in times of change elevates us to the next level in reality. Take responsibility and accountability of your own activities to develop the career in your own way of approach makes you to feel happy and gives the pleasure and joy with immense satisfaction is the ultimate goal one should set and prove in real life. Sense of purpose is called the sense of kindness and love towards the people helps us to assess the right candidate in right time with right attitude keeps us at the right place with right results is the right way of approach. Self-identity gives self-satisfaction apart from your job and other activities makes an impact on the part of individual to grow in a better way and prove to great extent and perform in better manner. Cultivate positive attitude to connect people.

A deep understanding of other feelings makes an impact on the part of receiver which gives us great satisfaction and relief sometimes it works like a medicine also. As a result, it turns in to positive direction to vibrate the positive thoughts in their minds and make them to work out and plan well in better manner then perform more effectively and actively to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Eye to eye contact gives more clarity turns the real understanding of a particular situation or event in depth makes everyone to realize the facts and act upon as soon as possible. In general, most of the cases circumstances and experiences may not be same as we feel in our lives at the same time, we can relate it with our own feelings and happenings in real life. Kindness and compassion spring from our empathy. No doubt, it works like a weapon to the world who needs it based on their requirements. Our act of kindness really hears by somebody’s feelings to understand in a better manner. Anticipation, determination, dedication, sacrifice, with solution may work out like a medicine on the part of receiver. Each one of us have our own path of life to walk and move towards our needs and requirements to acquire and fulfill on daily basis.

Being an elite performer, it is always better to have the keys with you so that you can open the door when you want and like it. You need not depend on others and take risk. It gives flexibility. It makes you more convenient and comfort to plan yourself on your own without giving trouble to others. To say in one word, it is like win-win strategy. Always play safe game. Do not attract and look for short cut methods. All the glitters are not gold. If you want gold, you should dig it deeply. You cannot get it on surface. Everything takes its own time. Nothing happens instantly in this world. Realize! React! Respond! Be cautious and careful! Build your own foundation which gives strength and stay longer for your own growth and development. You should be in a position to write your own legacy not someone else’s. Create an image and make a mark on your own and prove yourself that you are the creator, veteran, classic example, trendsetter, role model, heritage, inheritance, estate, endowment, culture, customs, tradition, history, past, background and so on. If someone makes you, they can break you. Grow on your own! Live on your own! Survive on your own! You are unique! You are the different personality! Think better! Do better! Be happy!

Social justice is nothing but fulfilling our roles and get the due as soon as possible irrespective of caste, color, creed, gender, age or anything for that matter justice should be done on the spot. Then only the real justice happens to the victim and feels happy for the dues they get for their effort keeps them with an immense pleasure and satisfaction is the right way of approach. Justice delayed is justice denied! Even today it is taking time to happen the real justice is not happening in time due to various reasons. Everyone gives their own reasons. Ultimately the victim has to wait and suffer for the justice with thousand eyes, and nothing happens at the end of the day. It is the fact. One has to accept it. Time kills everything! It leads into different ways and turn in favor of the person who is affordable in all respects either hook or crook is the bear fact. At the end the rich will win, the poor will get the defeat. Forget the words what we say will not work out in reality. Irrespective of technology, education, cultures, values, needs, mindset has to be changed then only things will set right. Otherwise, it continues forever. We have to change ourselves. We cannot blame the system. Change should come from within.

Progress is a step-by-step process! It will not happen instantly! It takes time! We have to digest it in a systematic and dynamic manner to put our effort and enjoy your task to do it regularly on daily basis makes some sense and gives some positive results when the time passes gradually it happens. One thing is fact. We can observe and feel happy to get the progress makes an impact on continuous basis gives us full satisfaction and pleasure in reality. That itself is an indication for our growth and prosperity which makes some sense and gives some satisfaction in real life. It should be done on regular basis. Consistent effort gives consistent results. Regular practice makes us perfect. Effort will not go waste. It has its own value. It gives us strength. It gives ability to proceed further with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It inspires us! It creates the desire and allow us to learn more and more to improve in a better manner. Learning is a lifelong process. Discover in your own ways with the skills what you have can apply and prove yourself as one the best performer and play in reality thru results. Your results will speak louder than you. They can spread faster than you.

Ethics, values, honesty, integrity, morals, make an individual to maintain good character leads to have a disciplined life which keeps an individual to reach new heights and elevates to the next level in reality. Human resources are the most valuable asset of an organization irrespective of its size, nature, activity, whether it is small or big no matters it needs people to work and get the job done by them thru training, supporting, guiding, motivating, helping, supporting, loving, respecting, and treating makes them to stay longer with pride and provide their skills and ability to grow the organization in multifold is the bear fact. Let us not to illtreat, disrespect, defame, degrade, hate, discourage, or trouble them under any circumstances whether it may be thru retrenchment or downsizing the manpower, or in any other means reduces the value of an organization in the minds of public and employees as well is a fact. At the same time, it is the duty and responsibility of an employee to take care of an organization in all respects thru the skills applied and better performance gives the best results in long run to sustain the organization and produce more with full potential to grow well in the minds of public and their staff.

Starting itself is a great step to become great and make it happen in reality. If you put one step forward it makes you to put miles and miles towards your goal and get things done with your own planning and implementation forces, you to create the zeal and enthusiasm to get the job done well in time is the right way of approach in reality. It gives kick and boost you to inspire and empower towards your goals and make them happen irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur during the course of your journey in between may not allow under any circumstances with the help of your determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals. Burning desire helps to set the goals and perform better to accomplish them as per the plan. Vision helps to plan well and perform better with an effective and efficient manner and helps to learn more and more thru various means keeps us to update and upgrade ourselves on regular basis makes to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Motivate yourself, establish yourself, equip yourself, evaluate yourself, enjoy yourself, love yourself, love your work is the best way of approach. If you love your work it loves you in the form of success. Success is the base for everything.

Never compare with others! You are unique! You lead the life the way how you like it and enjoy fully. Your satisfaction is most important than others. Satisfy yourself. You are the best judge for yourself. Your life is your experience. You are the best teacher for yourself. Do your best. Give your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Be happy with what you have. Each one has their own style of living. No one can compare with anybody in this world. Believe! Belief gives everything. Determine and dedicate yourself! Self-satisfaction is the best way of approach. Never expect applause from others. Motivate yourself. Self-motivation is the best way of approach. Appreciate yourself at least once a day. Evaluate yourself. Enhance yourself. Educate yourself. Elevate yourself. You are the performer. You are the trendsetter. You are the role model. You are the successful person. You are the winner. You only can do anything and everything. Winning mindset helps to grow. Winners will never quit. Quitters will never win. Cultivate a positive attitude. Attitude plays a role. A positive attitude helps to reach the positive people to acquire the positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. Be simple! Be humble! Be honest! Be calm!

Give respect and take respect is the best way of approach. An appreciation makes an impact on the part of others to perform better and do their best and give their best than normal and show their ability to exhibit with more skills and learn more, initiate more to give their best and try to prove in all respects at all times on all occasions is the right way approach. It is an art to guide and support the people at workplace. A small way of gratitude if we express the large way of applause will be given and people will be boosted and get more strength to improve in better manner and perform the best to the best of their ability is a fact. Their responsibility will increase to large extent when we believe and shoulder more responsibility they will try to prove and account for to their level best in reality. That is the power of will. Where there is will there is a way. Willful exercise gives willful results. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Inner peace gives more strength. Work is Worship. Duty is Divine. Be task oriented. Be result oriented. Be honest. Be humble. Be active. Be alert. Be a performer. Be a winner. Be as trendsetter. A small respect makes big impact in reality. Love yourself and love people to live with them.

Fear is a reaction! Courage is a decision! You are the best! Appreciate all the support and guidance What you get thru Divine source will be much and more helpful in all respects at all times and on all occasions. Connect your body and mind. It helps us in many ways. It keeps us alert and awake. It gives inspiration. It makes us to be enthusiastic. It creates burning desire. Burning desire gives ability to move forward with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals and allow to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It counters our inherent, instinctive, spontaneous, automatic, intuitional, natural, inbuilt, subconscious mind to respond or fight. If we consciously choose to stand and face the challenges, it empowers and enhances to the next level in reality. Fear is only a feeling. It is some sort of doubt which appears in our mind due to lack of knowledge, determination, dedication, sacrifice, focus, will power, skill development, confidence and trust within and makes us to shake temporarily and allows not to move forward with our own decisions to make it happen. Once it is clear everything becomes normal!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao