Focus on your assets - ZorbaBooks

Focus on your assets

If you are too busy working on your own grass, you will not notice if someone else’s is greener. It is exactly how it should be. The key to this message is to focus evaluate and appreciate what you have right in front of you. Failure, fear, courage, confidence, determination, dedication, devotion, discipline, sacrifice, desire, willingness, skills, hard work, effort, conduct and character, excellence, faith, understanding, love and affection, kindness, zeal and enthusiasm are your greatest assets. Failure, because it gives you an opportunity to rethink and improve to help and tells what you are? Where you are? How you are? It makes you strong to face the tough situations that occur on daily basis makes you to overcome and show to the world to exhibit your capacity and caliber to prove yourself as a worthwhile in your life. Fear prompts you to move in right direction with the right people at the right place in right time for the right cause to accomplish the right results is the best way of approach. If you learn to channel your fears in right way you will get the best results in real life. Courage and confidence will help you in right way. Sacrifice with determination and dedication makes to focus and desire helps to overcome the fear in many ways. Because, success is not an easy task to happen. We have to struggle and perform better to plan and implement it in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Smiling helps to reach more people to express the views and acquire positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. Humble and honesty gives more strength. Attitude helps to grow and learn in many ways. Learning is a life long process. It helps to reach the mile stones in real life. Set a goal and try to fulfill it in all respects at all times and in all occasions is the best way of approach. Your effort is your valuable asset. Skill development helps to grow in a better manner. Your life is your experience. You experience is your valuable asset. Goodwill is an intangible asset. It happens in long run. It takes time. We have to struggle a lot to achieve it. It will not happen overnight. It needs patience and effort. It has to be built brick by brick. A strong foundation has to be made. Then only the building will be strong and stable. It stands long. It sends the positive message to the people. People will remember forever. Similarly, our effort and abilities gives the effective results and they will speak better than us. They can spread fast and reach more number of people. Be truthful. Be reliable. Give respect and take respect is the best way of approach. Respect should be gained. It is not a commodity to buy in open market. Be trustworthy. Always try to focus more on your values. Be value oriented. Stick on your words. Words are to be used very carefully. Once given we can’t take back. It works like a bow or arrow and will not come back once delivered. They are more powerful and have strength. Our words should inspire others. Otherwise, it is better to be silent. Silence is gold. It is better to talk less and work more. If we keep quiet our respect will increase in the minds of others. Brian expansion is a combination of learning and improving the quality of time and energy gives us the pleasure and satisfaction. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Know your strength and follow accordingly. That itself is the biggest asset in our journey which helps to move our journey smoothly and safely. The smile is a biggest asset. Be cheerful and beautiful. It is an added benefit and value added to our life. As long as our intentions are good everyone will like us. People will support and help us. Help ever hurt never is the best policy.

Discipline is the root cause of everything. It works like an asset. One has to cultivate this habit. It makes us to move in right direction and right attitude to accomplish the right results in right time is the best way of approach. We have to train our children right from childhood as parents at home and teachers will play a great role to teach them at school and friends and neighbors will play a key role in society makes sense by that time they grow as useful citizens of our universe is worth mentioning here on this occasion. To day’s children are tomorrow’s citizens of this world and they are our valuable asset. Let us wish and focus more on their growth and development is our prime object and top most priority to fetch the fruitful results in future gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Let us rededicate ourselves to accomplish this as our goal to set and achieve it in an effective and efficient manner. Lot of effort is required to accomplish this task. It should be done on regular basis. Practice makes perfect. Perfection gives confidence. Confidence gives courage. It helps to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals to achieve well in time. It makes us to reach our destination safely and securely in our journey and helps to move forward smoothly is the best way of approach. Positive attitude helps to grow in positive way and attain the positive results. Every event will teach us something or the other. Our life itself is a combination of various colors. Each color gives its own meaning. We have to realize and adjust in a broad range and struggle ourselves to fetch the fruitful results. All the glitters are not gold. If you want gold you will have to dig it deeply. You can not get it on the surface. Rome was not built in a day. Everything takes its own time. We have to wait. Instant results will not fetch the long term results. There is no shortcut method for success. Success is a journey not the destination. It gives us recognition. It makes us to move forward. It gives respect in society. It reaches widely. It gives us name and fame. We have to hold it properly and struggle a lot to retain it and work effectively and efficiently to perform better and the most powerful and effective manner. Then only it stays with us. Your success is your valuable asset. Life teaches us many lessons. Each lesson has its own value. Try to understand and know the ground reality. Deep study helps to grow better in reality. Be wise and brave to play an active role and Knowledge is powerful. Knowledge gives everything. It throws away from darkness to light and make you feel happy. Happy life is healthy life. It gives pleasure and satisfaction. Satisfaction works like an asset and a satisfied person is better than the successful individual. Be cheerful! Enjoy every moment in reality. Life is too short. Use the resources and time to the optimum level. Time management is an art. Past is past. It never comes back. It is like a river. The river will never flow reverse. Live in your present. The journey is most important for you to lead it in useful manner. Each and every moment is worth mentioned and valuable asset if you want to live in this world in reality. It is a God given gift. Use it for good cause. It gives meaning to your life and others as well. Do it on priority. Play a key role. It gives us pleasure and satisfaction. It makes your life joy and happiness. It gives peace of mind. Peace of mind gives good health. Health is better than wealth.

Believing God is a great concept and it gives us great relief and peace of mind. It makes us to think in positive direction to evaluate and appreciate to face the challenges that occur on daily basis. It is the most powerful and effective. It provides the normal situation and allow us to do something with fresh and energetic way makes us to learn more about new techniques and gives us the new opportunities. As a result, we can move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm. It creates a better position to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It makes the people to reach at one place where required and create an environment in such a way that they will get together and work as a team for good cause. Nature has given us everything. It protects us in so many ways. It is a God given gift. Every day is a new opportunity. Immediately after getting up from the bed please pray tne Almighty and show the gratitude towards God for the opportunity given to stay one more day in this world. It gives pleasure and satisfaction. It gives strength to purify yourself by spending time with Mother Nature while walking. Sunrays will fall on us and gives energy while breathing in fresh air and have some water. Then start your day as fresh and energetic feeling with like minded people and do your routine work. It helps to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. The day is filled with great respect and take care of everything as soon as possible. Believe! It gives pleasure and satisfaction. You play a crucial role in society. You are the best person in this world. You are unique! You can do anything and everything. You are the best performer. Your effort will never go waste. It has its value. It gives us thunder results. It flows like a rain and gives coolness to this world. It has that much power. Where there is a will there is a way. Willingness gives zeal and enthusiasm. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Willful exercise gives willful results. Think better to plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner. It gives us the fruitful results. You are the winner! Winning mindset helps to grow in a better manner. Be as an optimistic! Positive attitude helps to grow in a systematic and dynamic manner. Please Proceed!

Well said! A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually snow, rains, thunders, lightning, unexpected events like adverse whether conditions makes us to fear and confuse us to throw in dilemma. It is only temporary. Nothing is permanent in this world. Change is must and mandatory. Be cool! Have peace of mind! Take a look at the Mother Nature. It tells everything. It goes on change from minute to minute. Then you realize and recover from everything to come to normal. Fear is an indication to make you strong and alert to proceed further with the skills acquired by you and plan well to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Each and every event gives us an opportunity to prove as a wise and active person to play our role as a responsible individual which gives immense pleasure and satisfaction. Be action oriented! Be result oriented! Task allows us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm with one step forward makes to move miles and miles towards our journey smoothly and safely is the best way of approach. Be bold! Determination, devotion towards your journey gives confidence and courage to face the challenges that occur on regular basis makes sense. It is always better when we are in confusion or not in a position to determine and know the facts just keep quiet! Get relax! Be fresh! Just listen carefully if someone says something will be useful and helpful to solve your problem. Because, though we know sometimes it will not fetch to our mind to plan and implement it in an effective and efficient manner. When someone says we can recollect and try to add some more with our effort and abilities we try to fulfill it in all respects with great confidence things will set right. It is an art! One has to cultivate this habit and improve a lot. Quietness gives peace of mind. It gives happiness. It leads us towards positive attitude and allow us towards positive thoughts and make us to reach positive people to acquire the positive results. Willingness gives wonderful results. Where there is will there is a way. It shows path to move in right direction to accomplish our goals. Planning and implementation helps a lot to achieve it. Application of brain is must. Think Cooley. Take some reasonable time. Never expect instant results. Have patience! Wait! It helps to grow in a better way. Keep on doing! Try to discover something innovative and dynamic manner which helps to grow in better way.

We are born to succeed! We have purpose to fulfill! God has send us to create and complete tasks to the best of our ability and get the best in given time and circumstances with the available resources is the main object and apply our skills where required and accomplish them in a planned manner with effective implementation is the right way of living. Never under estimate your strength and others as well. Be as an optimistic and have positive attitude. Try to cultivate a winning mindset which gives you courage and confidence to proceed further with one step forward makes you to reach miles and miles in reality. Life is like a Journey. Just enjoy and move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. You are the performer! You have will power! You have a burning desire which makes you to create a new path and allow others to follow. You are special! You are dynamic! You have the determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals with your own effort and ability. Goal setting is must! Set a specific goal and try to fulfil it! Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste! It has its own value. If our intentions are good people will help us. An empowerment enhances and elevates us with confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals is the truth in reality. Leadership is a dynamic quality one has to cultivate and preserve to the best of their ability to meet the challenges that occur on regular basis irrespective of gender, age, size, level and it will be helpful for all walks of life in our activities which will happen on daily basis. Prepare yourself to accept the things happening and try to meet the needs and requirements based on the facts available with the resources we have and update ourselves with the help of skills what we acquire and make it happen in real life. Each individual has to behave like a soldier and equip ourselves with strong mental health and ready to face any kind of event which is contingent and be safe to protect ourselves at all times, on all occasions, at every stage is must. Togetherness gives more strength and unity is the weapon to work out and fetch the fruitful results in reality. Create your own team with the like minded people and easy to reach and communicate quickly when required and make sure that it happens in no time with the help of technology is a guiding factor. It empowers! The next minute is not ours! Future is uncertain! Enjoy your present and live in your present, do your best and hope for the best! Hopes and aspirations are part of the process! We live with desires and design the way how we like and plan well and perform better to fetch the fruits in reality. Man proposes and God disposes. Accept everything the way how it comes naturally! Nothing is in our hands! Almighty is more powerful than us! He provides everything and anything depending on our needs and requirements. You will not get what you want? Try your level best! Your effort will never go waste! It has its own value! Believe! Belief gives everything! It makes happen thru realization, rectification, resolution, respect, re-consideration, revaluation, responsibility, reliability, reaching everyone with great commitment, confidence, confirmation, convincing, communication, consultation and presentation gives clarity to perform better and plan well to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Cultivate this habit right from childhood. It will not develop overnight. It takes time. We have to practice regularly. Practice makes perfect! Parents, teachers, friends, neighborhood will play a crucial role in this respect. Positive attitude helps!

Assuming our feelings, wishes, desires, dreams and aspirations wish to fulfill and pay our attention towards completion of a particular event will observe the route of success through the thought process coupled with an effort. The reality is manifested demonstrated, then exhibits, displays, declares, illustrates, exposes, exemplifies, shows and creates first in our mind then our outer world. Once it grows in our mind it moves on daily basis like a burning desire, with strong willpower makes us to set a goal and allow us to plan well and perform better to learn and improve in a systematic and dynamic manner to proceed further with one step forward makes us to reach miles and miles towards our journey till we reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the right way of approach. It gives us inspiration and motivates us to elevate and explore ourselves to the next level in reality. Success path makes us more responsible and accountable to maintain the standards and expectations will increase from public. It gives name and fame along with recognition. We have to create our own path and set an example to others. Be a trendsetter! Focus more on your goal! It helps us to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and achieve it.

” Focus on what’s really important.” – Unknown

” Focus on where you want to go not on what you fear.” – Tony Robbins

” Instead of focusing on your weakness, focus on your strengths.” – Unknown

” Never say anything about yourself that you do not want to come TRUE.” – Brian Tracy

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Bijibilla Rama Rao