Higher Perspective - ZorbaBooks

Higher Perspective

“The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective.” — Al Neuharth

“You can’t change what’s going on around you until you start changing what’s going on within you.” — Pinterest.com

“If you want to change your life then you need to do something consistently to see the change happen.” — Howtopraythe scriptures.com

A higher perspective is a comprehensive, insightful, or wise view point. It is used to suggest that a certain situation or idea is being looked at from a more comprehensive view point. Leaders are charged with the task of gaining a higher perspective to see what is around including opportunities for growth and profit, as well as threats to their market share and products or services. Having a higher perspective means being able to see the journey far enough to know which direction to head in and the steps needed to get to the end point.

Higher perspective gives high energy with great zeal of enthusiasm to visualize in strategic way to identify the strengths and weaknesses in all angles as an elite performer is part of the leadership quality. It inspires and empowers the leader to plan well and perform better and best in given time with the available resources makes it happen in reality. Awakening is the success mantra helps to grow as leader in right way with right people at right place in right time for the right cause is the right way of approach. It motivates to elevate and enhances to reach peak in reality. As part of it makes an individual to create and cultivate the positive attitude. Consequently, it gives mental and physical fitness to put a step forward to reach miles and miles in our journey. Protection is the primary objective of an individual from all corners irrespective of gender, age, place where we stay and keeps us to be alert in all respects at all times on all occasions is part of the process. The future depends on the action we take in our present yields the fruitful results if it considered to be a regular practice. Trust yourself and believe the process with right perception. Then only things will happen as we expect and people will join us.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao