Network is Net Worth - ZorbaBooks

Network is Net Worth

“Your network is your net worth!” At its core, this concept suggests that the connections you make and maintain throughout your life can have a direct impact on your financial success. Digital platforms have revolutionized networking, providing new ways to connect and expand your network.

“Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver, and this connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging.” — Deepak Chopra

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It is about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities. Net working means the act of exchanging information with people who can help you professionally.” — Michele Jennae

“All the time and effort put into networking can be all for naught if there is no follow-through. The same goes for sales. And leadership. And well everything. It is great to spend time at a networking event with someone you know and like. But that is not what you are there for. Your goal is to expand your network by meeting new people.” — Beth Ramsay

Networking is an excellent concept! We as individuals work and show our caliber to some extent. If we are collective we can do wonders. It also inspires and empowers us to the next level to enhance and encourage to give support and guidance with each other. Networking is net worth in many aspects. Interaction with people gives scope to learn more and more by listening others. Connection gives an opportunity to express our views with others and share the information required will improve the relationship. It gives scope for community growth. Efficiency will increase. Professional and business contacts will increase mutual understanding. Planning and implementation provides information technology through internet connection can transform in an effective and efficient manner. Online improves the efficiency to reach more number of people to cover all over the world in no time. It helps to make decision making with the guidance and support of various people while networking makes an impact on us and others as well. It improves the communication skills. An effective communication gives effective results. Success rate will increase when people involved in large scale gives confidence and courage to grow together as a team gives strength.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao