Personal Fulfillment - ZorbaBooks

Personal Fulfillment

Self motivation is the internal drive that leads individuals to take action towards a goal, driven by their own desires and ambitions. It involves initiative, determination and ability to work toward personal fulfillment. It is the force that drives individuals to do things without needing external encouragement.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Lord Buddha

“Self motivation keeps life in its positive path… No matter what people say or do to hurt or harm you remember that being self motivated will always give you the boost to stand above all of them.” — Self Motivation Quotes

“Surround yourself with people who push you to do and be better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other.” — Warren Buffett

Your success determines based on your perception. Always remember you are the determining and deciding authority for your own way of approach and attitude. Discipline is the root cause of everything. Imagination leads us towards evaluation. Evaluate and appreciate your work at least once a day makes you to improve further through learning and improvement. Identify the lapses if any in present system and try to rectify them one by one makes you to get confidence and courage then follow accordingly. You have to create your own path. No one works for us. Try to minimize dependability and less expectation gives more happiness. Instead you pray the Almighty that you should be in a position to help others within your means makes an impact on you and others as well. Contribute your level best in given time with the available resources gives pleasure and satisfaction. Never compromise and degrade yourself. Effort will never go waste. Your effort is your valuable asset. Set an example to others. You are the performer. Performance alone gives the results. Consistency gives more clarity. Clarity gives visibility. Vision gives ability. Ability gives more strength. Be strong and stable. Skill development is part of the process. Aware! Arise!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao