Pursuing your Dreams - ZorbaBooks

Pursuing your Dreams

When you pursue your dreams, you inspire others to do the same, you add meaning and purpose to your life, and you create something positive out of the time you have on this earth.

“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

“People who don’t pursue their own dreams probably won’t encourage you to pursue yours.” — Tim Grover

“Always surround yourself with people who inspire you to be greater. They are the best kind of people.” — Inspiring quotes

Dreams fall under the head of aspirations and desires. If one desire is fulfilled the another one will occupy its place. It is like flowing water. Never ending process. Still we have to dream big and achieve big. Dare to dream and achieve big. As an individual we have to plan well and execute them effectively. Vision helps to plan in systematic and strategic way to communicate and coordinate with like minded people to share our views and express our opinion with them and invite suggestions required gives scope to find the facts in reality. Know the ground reality and understand better to face the challenges that occurred during the process. Know your strength and weakness which helps to learn and train ourselves about a particular event keeps us to have better understanding gives more clarity. Learning is a lifelong process. Learn as much as you can and enjoy your journey. It shows the path to move forward with one step allows to reach miles and miles in your journey. Life itself is like a journey. Love yourself and your journey. If you love your journey it makes you to lead happy and peaceful life. It gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals. It helps to get success in daily life. Success is a journey not the destination. Live and love your best in given time and circumstances available gives peace of mind. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Willful exercise gives willful results. Where there is will there is a way. Will gives thrill! Thrill gives skill! Skill gives ability to perform better and the best. You are the performer! You are the trendsetter! You create your own path. You came to this world with a purpose. Try to fulfill it. You are the key for everything. You only can do anything and everything. Decision making gives us authority. Authority enforces to proceed further which makes it happen in real life. It leads towards success. Success gives recognition. It gives name and fame. It reaches far beyond us. It has no frontiers. It moves faster than us. It shouts better than us. Expectations will increase from others. It shoulders us to feel more responsible and accountable. It also gives satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual. There is no short cut method for success. Struggle alone gives results. Results are ultimate. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste. It has its own value. Consistent performance gives consistent results. Practice makes us to become perfect. Prove yourself and get the results. Nobody bothers about your struggles. They will see your success. You yourself will forget your own struggles after seeing your success for a while. It has power. Be a leader! A leader is a reader. You need not read books alone. We can read people’s heart, feelings, needs, situations, and their level of understanding at various levels give us an opportunity to serve as a leader gives immense pleasure and satisfaction. Share your success with others. Your success is not yours alone. It is a combination of so many sources and there are unknown sources are there behind your success. Believe! Belief gives everything. It helps to analyze, establish and equip yourself as a leader. A good leader will stand in the middle of people in their hearts forever.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao