Self Discovery - ZorbaBooks

Self Discovery

Self discovery is a lifelong journey of exploration through our inner self, trying to discover who we are, our potential, our purpose in life, and what core principles are guiding us to take different paths along the way.

1. Self-transformation: Inner Engineering emphasizes the importance of self- transformation and personal growth. …

2. Yoga and Meditation: The book provides a comprehensive understanding of the ancient practices of yoga and meditation. …

3. Inner Engineering Tools: The book equips readers with practical tools and techniques for self-transformation. …

💎 Be clear and crystal clear yourself first! Then think about others! You should know what you need? When? Why? Where? How? Have more clarity! Consider and confirm yourself to satisfy. Then think further.

💎 The journey is long! Without clarity you can’t move forward. Know the facts & figures to understand better and the best to realize, recollect, respond, review, revive and respect your decision to avoid delays and slow down the process makes an impact on you and others as well. Otherwise the entire system will collapse. Study and follow carefully.

💎 State of confusion and distress are part of the process. When you have a doubt take some time and give a pause to have clarity on particular issue throws light if we think carefully and cautiously. Silence is key for everything. You will get answers one by one slowly and steadily. Slow and steady wins the race is the best way of approach.

💎Your life is your own experience! You are the best teacher for yourself! It works like a coach, mentor, guide and supporter in needy time if we apply our brain peacefully you will get the results. It is like a step by step process. Nothing happens instantly. Everything takes time. Have patience.

💎Pay attention! Do it effectively! Enjoy your journey! You are deserved.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao