Chapter 2 - ZorbaBooks

Chapter 2

There are some strange faces.

And Yes ! This is my mother and I am Anna.There is chill and cold outside but inside it is warm and I am happy to see everybody. I have not seen my father as yet. He is perhaps still working.

Anu, Ram and my mother Sangini are talking. Yes! This is my first day of life. My father Raghu reaches the next morning. Anu and Ram are also there. My father works for the British government in India. There are various freedom fighters who are known to him. They are fighting for independence. My father works in the railways. He has a soft corner for the Britishers as they are paying him a large sum of money and are satisfied with his work.

As I see around everywhere, I notice that our house is furnished with very little furniture which is all Indian. There are small cane stools for sitting, a large cane sofa and kitchen with a cement slab. I think it is quite a luxury to have this in 1944.

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