That one Monkey - ZorbaBooks

That one Monkey

That One Monkey….!

Monkey Oh! Monkey Oh!

You have set the bar’s

Even when I don’t want

you come very far

Oh monkey! Oh monkey!

You have set the bar’s

When I thought not to frightened

You rapidly jumped in the kitchen

You steel fresh tomatoes

And the eat them like a unreluctant

I am watching you like a idiot

Thinking you were very far !

Monkey Oh! Monkey Oh!

You have set the bar’s

Even When I don’t Want

You come very far

I found very confused

Should I hide the vegetables ?

Should I hide first the fruits ?

In the mean while you destroyed the whole kitchen

And laughing at me amusing

Monkey Oh! Monkey Oh!

You have set the bar’s

Even when I don’t want

You come very far.

Monkey Oh! Monkey Oh!

You have set the bar’s

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Dolly Jain