DEMIGOD - ZorbaBooks


Year 2023, month August

The room looks like a hospital room, but it’s a little dark. In that room there is only one bed. One person is sitting. The face is disfigured, the parts of the accident are exposed, the head is cracked. His leg is tied to the window with a rope.

He looks like he is thinking about something. In his eyes, the joys and tragedies of the past flashed and faded away. His name is Adarsh.


Year 2023, February

Adarsh ​​gets ready to go to college from his room. Suddenly I heard the sound of a bike horn from below. He took the bag and ran down. He asked his mother who was standing outside, “Do you have any money?” When he felt that his mother’s gaze was not positive, he ran away on his bike.


The car was parked in the parking lot of the college. Then Gokul, who came with him on a bike, asked, “Will Anun’s case be decided today?”. “Hmm, a decision will be made today” Adarsh ​​said.. as they walked forward. Seeing a student named John, he is not the type to talk to anyone, “John” Adarsh ​​called, “Hi Da” John. Adarsh ​​then put his hand on his shoulder and said, “Why don’t you walk away from everything, don’t you be an usher, but if you need anything, who will be there?” Adarsh, the blood donation camp is coming next week.. You are the student coordinator, are you some kind of warrior, to get so much blood “.. Then Adarsh ​​got emotional and said ” 4-5 years ago if someone had donated 3 blood, my father would have been with me even now.. For something that is not even in my memory, when I am about to die, I don’t want anyone in the country who gives sacrifices, if only one house, only one house, those who are trying to prevent this situation from happening are not the gods of the earth, tomorrow when I take my breath, someone should come.”

By that time they had reached their class.. When the interval came, Anu called Gokul, “Tell him that fate is in favor. Saying that, her friends also came together with a smile.. Gokul came running and told Adarsh.. He jumped up and ran behind her.. He called out and stopped..” The rain stopped. When heaven and earth are warm. She looked back like a peacock looking at a dove with its peal spread. When he combs his hair with his right hand, the bottles in his hand shake.

And so they passed through a fine Bethlehem day

**August 2023**

Adarsh ​​is in a drunken stupor.. along with a few people. Gokul suddenly came there, quarreled and took him away.

another place

Gokul: “Some girl doesn’t want you, then why are you smoking this toddy and ganjam for her?”

Adarsh: “What is me that is she. She didn’t even tell me the reason. Didn’t she say that I’m a drinker? So I’m not that.”

Gokul: “She told me the reason.”

July 2023**

Anu with confused eyes said to Gokul,

“I don’t know what to do, I love him more than he loves me, I’ll leave. My situation is not like that, because my sister had a bad relationship and experience at home, now it’s a prison.. Don’t you understand the situation.. God and tell him to understand..” By then she was crying.


August 2023

Adarsh ​​left without saying a word and took the bike. That’s when the accident happened.

Hospital verandah. The doctor came and told Gokul, mother and others who were waiting outside. 7 units of blood are needed as soon as possible o+, now he is admitted to anesthesia.. he was sitting violently unresponsive because of the blood. Yes, the delay in getting blood is “,

Not knowing what to do, Gokul asked those who were standing there, he was given mother and brother, but no one else was there. Gokul called a lot of people on the phone.. But he avoided them by saying, “If he smokes ganja, it’s better to die”, “If all these people come up, they will become a big mafia”.. Mother didn’t know what to do. He went to the chapel there and fell on the ground and begged and cried. Sitting helplessly, a girl came to Gokul and said, “Give blood” He looked up. Then the boy pointed to Anu who was standing on the other side..



A hand came to the mother’s shoulder and lifted her up. It was John.

He said with a small smile

“Mother.. today mother is crying for him.. like this, for my mother I held the feet of all the people in this world and cried. He is the one who came as a messenger and saved me.. my mother is alive today because of him, don’t help him…….. …”

“Mother, like the story of this good shepherd who was branded as a sinner and crucified for his subjects, who shed blood and waited for their lives, is he not the king of this Yahudhia who came as a human being and was our shepherd, and who was the cause of death for many people. God will bless him for the virtues he has done.. He will come as a good shepherd for all of us. Go there” John walked slowly.

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Karthik Rajesh