Sitara's Home - ZorbaBooks

Sitara’s Home

Scene 9

[We see a small house in the rain. Inside the house was enough hustle-bustle, and everyone was talking, but making out what they were conversing about requires enough effort, and all can go in vain. The residents here are getting ready for a party again. A little boy of around eleven with a crooked nose and broken teeth has stumbled and now trying to get on his feet. Sitara was looking at all these from afar, sitting on her seat].

Sitara: (looking at the boy) Why do I never get invited to these parties? (Shouting to the boy) Hiten, do you have enough buddies?

Rohan: (Looks at her sister arrogantly) Of course, I am not a weirdo, and I belong to the group of smarties.

[Breaking the conversation came a woman in her early forties, arranging her saree’s pleats].

Sitara: Hey, Mumma! You look ravishing, but how do you intend to go because it is raining!

Mumma: Oh darling, we have our car for the evening. Now, where is your Chachu, baby? Call her immediately.

[Hearing her mother, Sitara moved to search for her Chachu, while another man in his mid-forties came wearing a shocking color suit that would suit a very few]. 

Hiten: Papa, isn’t that shocking green?

Papa: Yes, son, you win!

Mumma: Are you wearing that for today’s party?

Papa: Yes, sweetie.

Mumma: Rajat, do you think you need to change?

Rajat: No, Ishika, why will I do that? Strange!

Ishika: (Sighing) Do whatever you want because it is our friend’s anniversary, which today we will celebrate.

Rajat: (Angry) And we are already late! 

[Sahir came at this point with Sitara].

Sahir: Sitara said it is me you are asking. Do you want to say something before leaving?

Ishika: Yes, wash the dishes, clean the kitchen, and iron our clothes before sleeping. Also, do not forget to feed Sitara, darling.

Sahir: All will be done in a jiffy. Do not worry.

Rajat: Great, buddy! (Saying this, he was about to move but stopped) Oh, I forgot something. My room requires a bit of dusting. If not today, do that tomorrow morning.

Sahir: (Nodding) All will be done! You have fun. 

[The family moved, and the car zooms out from there. Sitara looked at Sahir with tears].

Sitara: (Wiping her tears) Why does she behave like you are a house help here?

Sahir: (Holding her shoulders) There is no shame in working for your home, dear.

Sitara: (Confused) I do not know, but things never look fine here.

Sahir: (Smiled) I know you grew up in a weird setting, but there is a reason behind everything.

Sitara: (More confused) Meaning?

Sahir: (Sighing) Nothing. You go and finish your homework. I will finish the housework.

[Sitara did not say anything and quietly moved to another room. Sahir kept watching. After a while, he took out a small but crooked stick and gave it a flick. The dirty utensils on the sink became clean, and that gave Sahir’s face a grin. He now faced the kitchen and waved his stick again. It looked as clean as heaven]

Sahir: (Smiles) Dishes done, and cleaning the kitchen was fun. Okay, now, I am left with ironing, dusting, and, of course, feeding. But before that, have those guys forgotten about the meeting?

[Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Sahir opened it and saw Laila standing and looking at the wet floor].

Sahir: Hey, you alone?

Laila: AD has gone, so I am on my own!

Sahir: Gone where?

Laila: You seem to lack manners in household matters!

Sahir: (Confused and then embarrassed) Oh, sorry, dear! Please come in, (Laila enters, and Sahir points towards a chair) Sit there. Keep your wet umbrella here (Said pointing at a rack).

Laila: (Putting the umbrella) Thanks, dear. Although, I do not intend to wait. However, I do not want to get drenched in the rain because that is something I hate.

Sahir: (Closing the door and walking inside) Wait until the rain subsides. I am here by your side.

Laila: (A bit irritated) Do not bother about me. (Looking around) I see you are busy.

Sahir: (Waving the stick to the piled clothes) Oh, some housework assigned to me (the clothes get folded neatly).

Laila: (Making a face) You use your wand for excellent deeds, it seems.

Sahir: (Sighing) You always do not have things of your dreams. But forget that anyway. I thought Advik said we would meet today.

Laila: (Looking outside through the window) I know. But the Council called him for something urgent so today there isn’t any show. (Looking at Sahir) The rain has stopped, and I should go. (Saying this, Laila opened the door with full force and almost flew out of the room).

Sahir: (Confusingly looking at her) She seems to be unique. But let me concentrate on Advik. Where has he been? The Council called him. But why? Is the rumor of Tamas returning to power has possibilities high? 

Scene 10

[Sitara is sitting at a table and doing her schoolwork. Suddenly, she saw the shadow of a man in the dark. She ran to the window to learn more about the shadow. She saw there, their coach, AD Sir. Drenched in blood, in a bare muscular body, he is struggling to walk in the mud. Sitara’s mouth hung open. She tried to utter a word in vain. She was awestruck when Sahir came to help her with her homework].

Sahir: (Looking at her) What happened, dear?

Sitara: (Looking as pale as white, looked at Sahir, pointing her hand in the window) Is that (panting heavily) Is that AD, Sir?

Sahir: (Ran towards the window and saw everything. He looked at Sitara, looking all alarmed) I-I-I think he met with an accident. Let me go and check the incident. Meanwhile, you sit here and study. I check on him and come in jiffy. Do not worry!

Sitara: But Chachu, why is he all bare? All naked with almost no clothes there?

Sahir: (Stammering) Something happened, darling. Do not worry because it is nothing alarming.

[Saying this, Sahir barged out of the room before Sitara could say anything. He took his wand and vanished from the place, and when Sitara came outside, she saw there was none and nothing].

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Sanjana Guha