The Children of Wild( part 2) - ZorbaBooks

The Children of Wild( part 2)

The children of wild were very very happy after meeting with Vaishnavi. It was a treasure which they really got in true terms. They had never imagined that they would be having such a treasure of conch shells and mussels that it would be really helpful in making their dreams true. They all returned happily to their homes. They were not finding any words to express their happiness. All of them told Romila that she had really missed something great. Romila asked in wonder , ” What is that thing which I have missed?” They told her everything about the mysterious power of conch shells. Romila also wanted to experience the same and was feeling very sorry for not being with them that day. They told her not to worry. She also started weaving dreams to experience the divine power. But she was not able to walk so far. Her friends told her just take permission from her parents. They will take her there by bicycle. She told that her parents may get annoyed. Sona and Babuli told that they will try to convince her parents. Romila’s mother used to make some envelopes and paper bags at her house to earn some money. That afternoon Sona and Babuli helped her in her tedious work and in turn took permission from her mother to take Romila along with them. She told that though I am permitting you yet you don’t be late and come soon. They convinced her about Romila’s safety.

Romila was very happy for whatever both sisters did for her. They thanked them a lot. But still she was doubtful whether she would be able to experience the same. Pahul , Montu and Babuli were with their bicycles . They cleaned the bicycles and checked air in its tyres. They all were ready for the ride. Babuli took Romila on her bicycle, Sona sat on Pahul’s bicycle and Montu was riding alone. They reached to the same place with the pouches full of mussels and chonch shells. They started washing mussels and conch shells in pond water and kept in the sun. Again the spectrum emerged from it and after a glare of blazing white they saw the divine woman Vaishnavi, really an enchanting and mesmerizing woman. This time Romila joined her hands infront of her and told that how eagerly she waited to behold her. How many efforts her friends had put to bring her Vaishnavi asked her , ” What do you want dear? ” Romila told that she also wanted to play like her other friends, she also wanted to run, catch the butterflies and climb trees. But she couldn’t do because of her crippled feet. She was having that problem since she was one year girl . Vaishnavi closed her eyes and after praying to God she patted her back and gave a flower into her hands . She told her to take it secretly with her to her home and early morning swallow it with water. Soon your feet would be cured . All other friends were very thankful to Siddhi Vaishnavi. They went back to their homes and Romila secretly swallowed the flower with water early morning. She thanked Vaishnavi in her heart for helping her to make her dream true. Slowly and gradually she felt that her leg was not as weak as earlier and she was trying to walk properly. After few months she was running properly and playing like other children. Her mother and other family members did not know about the reason behind the miracle. But they were very thankful to God . Now all the children of wild played happily in the afternoon and evening.

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Sonali Mangal