Meraki - ZorbaBooks


by Kaajal Kataria


ISBN 978-93-87456-76-1
Languages English
Cover Paperback


They won’t solve all your problems,
But they know what you feel,
And they know how to heal.
They won’t get you back all that you’ve lost,
But, they tell you that something new awaits.
They won’t mend your success chart,
But, they will mend your aching heart.
They help you escape reality,
But consolation in imagination,
Isn’t always an imaginary consolation

About the Author

The author is a beginner in the field of poetry, with Meraki being her first creation. A hard-core book lover, she has always shared a special relation with words, both- as a reader and a writer. Her thoughts come alive dressed in ink, impersonated as poems.
This journey, which started with writing simple speeches and quotes, has brought her here today. And this isn’t the end. She still has a long way ahead. As long as thoughts flow through her mind, they’ll always find their channel out through words. Her tryst with poetry will continue. This is just the beginning.

1 review for Meraki

  1. Parmanand

    Amazing – the only word I would spell out after reading the poems – The poet appears to have a good command on English vocabulary and has put full intensity in each poem to express her emotions and the alignment to title of each poem really kept me surprised.
    First book – showing a good potential the poet has — looking ahead to the further new versions from the young poet

  2. Zorba Books

    Thank you Mr Parmanand. We agree with your assessment. We hope you will share this opinion with your friends too

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