Does the Spearmint Lose it’sFlavor on the Bedpost Overnight? - ZorbaBooks

Does the Spearmint Lose it’sFlavor on the Bedpost Overnight?

by Mohan Gopinath


E-Book Price ₹99 / $2.99

ISBN 9788193015209
Languages English
Pages 116
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available

Language: English

Genre: Autobiography, reflections on spouse.

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Mohan Gopinath and Chinnam knew each other for over 50 years and were married for 39 years. Mohan was born in 1946. Chinnam was born in 1938 and died in 2012. They met when Mohan was in school in Lucknow and Chinnam was studying in Lucknow University. This book is an attempt at capturing the flavor of their lives together interspersed with Mohan’s views on life in general.


About the Author:

Dr. Mohan Gopinath lives in Bangalore and is a Professor of Organizational Leadership and Strategy with the Alliance School of Business, Alliance University. He holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from St. Stephen’s College.  He is the author of two books, ‘The Intruder – a Nocturnal Interlude’ and ‘Business Drama: How Shakespearean Insights Help Leaders Manage Volatile Contexts’, the latter co-authored with DebashishSengupta and Ray Titus.    Passionate about Kathakali, Mohan has written and published research papers exploring the dance form. He has spent the major part of his career as a banker with HSBC, working at locations around the globe. He is a keen tennis player and lover of nature.


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