The Myers Briggs Type Indicator - ZorbaBooks
Personality Tests and Myers Briggs test

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator

by Mohan Gopinath


ISBN 978-93-90011-01-8
Languages English
Pages 148
Cover Paperback


This book on Personality Tests and Myers Briggs test is a sequel to four earlier books, all of which looked at different Human Resource and Organizational Behavior concepts using the contents of Shakespearean plays. The first book was ‘Business Drama: How Shakespearean Insights Help Leaders Manage Volatile Contexts’. The current book on Personality Tests and Myers Briggs tests(the fifth in the series), again draws its inspiration from Shakespeare and validates the Myers Briggs Personality Test. This book focuses on the use of various popular personality tests with particular reference to the Myers Briggs test. It will be of tremendous value to professionals working in the Human Resource function and tell them how much credence is to be given to personality tests. A MUST READ for them, and for students and consultants specializing in these areas. Shakespeare will never be outdated.
Read other books on management by Mohan Gopinath

About the Author

Dr. Mohan Gopinath holds a BA (Hons.) degree and a Master’s degree in English Literature from St. Stephen’s College – Delhi University, where he later joined as a member of the faculty. In between, he joined the Indian Police Service which he quit after one week. After the two year stint in the college, Dr. Gopinath joined the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, and worked as a senior level banker for almost 21 years in India, UK and Hong Kong, after initially completing a two year training attachment in the London branch of the bank. Subsequently he left the industry, and worked for a doctoral degree which he obtained from Osmania University on the topic, Organizational Learning (in the banking industry). His career in HSBC also included an attachment to the all India HR function.
After obtaining his doctoral degree, Dr. Gopinath worked as a management consultant in India and the Middle East. Dr.Gopinath has also worked as a lead consultant for a World Bank funded Institutional Development Study conducted for the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department.
Dr. Gopinath reverted to academia after working as a consultant for more than one decade. He later joined Alliance University’s Schoolof Business, Bangalore, where he worked as a Professor in the Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource till September 2019.


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