Arguments with Silence - ZorbaBooks

Arguments with Silence

by Mohsain Shirazi


E-Book Price ₹99 / $3.99

ISBN 9789395217354
Languages English
Pages 250
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Arguments with Silence

A book of poems

Shirazi masterfully unfolds the central inspiration thesis, which is that mankind must seriously contemplate the possibility of freedom from earthly constraints. He reveals his thoughts through a series of internal and interactive dialogues in which the very different voices of the participants are unified with a mesmeric and incantatory metric structure.

About the Author

Mohsain Shirazi opted for a life of a legal beagle in the High Court . His friends call him “ Esky” . Most of his schooling was done in Bombay, except for the period from 1963-65, when he went to boarding-school in Panchgani. It was here that he began to write poetry. He obtained his B.A. degree from the National College affiliated to Bombay University, with English and History as his main subjects.

Before settling down in the legal profession in 1983, he briefly worked as a journalist for (the now defunct) “beautiful” a lifestyle and fashion magazine edited by the well known model singing star Sharon Prabhakar. Eskander later worked for an airline.

Though his mother-tongue is Persian (Farsi), he neither reads nor writes in it. He gets his inspiration from nature, music (Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Leonard Cohen) and “things that happen everyday.” He enjoys reading history, mystery novels and science fiction.

To his friends he is known as Esky, an abbreviation of his nom de plume Eskander.

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