7 Gems - ZorbaBooks

7 Gems

by A. Taylor


E-Book Price ₹199 / $7.99

ISBN 978-93-5896-881-1
Languages English
Pages 274
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


7 Gems 

7 Gems is a first-of-its-kind book presenting the basic teachings of various religious texts in one place. The holy writings in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are outlined in one book. 7 Gems does not attempt to describe any of these faiths, or beliefs of those who follow these texts. Instead, it merely presents what the texts themselves say in an easy-to-understand way.
Over the last 20 years, the language of each text was carefully reviewed. Each verse of every text was separately scanned for concepts using modern technology. For 7 Gems and Religious Digests, over 80,000 textual cross-references by topic (published separately) were created. This technology is currently the object of potential patent development and protection. A small portion of the Religious Digests’ references—a few thousand–are included in 7 Gems as endnotes.
The objective of 7 Gems is to present each of the seven texts for the billions of readers who may never have read or considered them. To provide the reader with a very credible and carefully documented understanding and cross-referencing of various religious texts. To imbue a greater understanding and respect for the followers of different religions.

About the Author

Mr. Taylor has been a life-time student of various religious texts. He holds a juris doctorate of law, masters of business administration, and other university degrees. He has spent time at universities in India and the USA and is the former director of innovation at Maharashtra Institute of Technology in Pune, India.
He humbly devotes this work to God, and the blessing of all His children of all faiths. May this work help bring peace to all.

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