WISDOM - ZorbaBooks


by Bijibilla Rama Rao


ISBN 9789395217378
Languages English
Pages 240
Cover Paperback



Life Is Choice

The Author is active blogger in LinkedIn and post blogs regularly in connection with different topics like Youth Empowerment, Act Of Kindness, Digital Technology, Leadership Development, Skill Development, Young Achievers, Be A Good Person, Effective Leadership, Guiding Young Minds, Health Is Wealth, Hopes And Aspirations, Life Is Short, Maturity Is Learning, No One Stays With You Permanently, Pleasure In The Job, Self Education, Smile More, Super Life Lessons, The Human Behavior, Thought Process, Togetherness Gives Strength, What You Tell Yourself, Women Empowerment, Mother Nature, Communication Skills, Time Management, Entrepreneurship, Classical & Spiritual Music, Positive Attitude, Discipline, Dedication, Focus, Sacrifice, Determination, Love Yourself, Love Your Work, are among them.

3 reviews for WISDOM

  1. Marlene

    Bijibilla Rama Rao says, “Never divert your attention or discourage yourself at any cost, under any circumstances.”

    Of the many books read and writers from whom I’ve received incredible inspiration over the years, Bijibilla Rama Rao delivers a unique quality.

    You might ask, “What makes his stories different?”

    Turn the page and discover how engaging chapters will present relatable circumstances surrounding business, kindness, emotion and other areas within your daily life.

    Bijibilla portrays a dignity that reaches out to embrace: wherever you are.

    The title of his book, Wisdom Life is Choice, will encourage readers to recognize a deep intuitive spirit and develop a lifestyle that truly makes a difference.

    When trouble comes knocking, his book will help you to stand, not flee.

    Patience and confidence will become a part of your journey and wisdom will inspire you to practice each day to be the best you can be.

    Enjoy the heartwarming stories written by Bijibilla Rama Rao–in his book, Wisdom Life is Choice.

    Marlene Foster
    Community Business Coach
    Empower The Vision

  2. Bijibilla Rama Rao

    Hi Everyone! I request you to please notify thru email your review with a view to make a note of it. My emil is mentioned below for information. Thanks.

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