Zorba’s Pick of Fiction Book

Why Revelation 22 is the Best Fiction Book published in 2020 by Zorba Books?

While we have published many books under the fiction genre but we picked Revelation 22 by Anunay as the best fiction book because:

What would a reader like in a thriller?

  • It should be gripping
  • It should have plots and subplots
  • The language should be simple yet not dull
  • It should offer novelty
  • It should involve the reader
  • The characters should be well fleshed out
  • The book should be affordable
  • The print should be sharp and easy on the eye
  • The cover should be attractive
  • The pages should feel soft and warm against the skin.
  • Easily available at all online stores

Well. This book gives you all this and more. Our editor testifies and so do the reviewers. What more can you ask?