How to make the most of self-publishing your book?

Squeezing out every bit of benefit from self publishing your book

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What are the doors that can open as a result of self–publishing a book in India?

Let us look at examples of some well known Indian authors who have benefitted from self-publishing. Amish Tripathi, Ashwin Sanghi are some famous Indian authors, for whom publishing a novel has opened many doors. Now they are not only limited to writing books. They are authorities on topics on which they have written their novels, such as mythology for Amish Tripathi, they appear on TV, in articles in newspapers and on talk shows, literary festivals, to name a few. These are the very doors you should look at too when you are looking to publish a book. Lest you think these benefits do not apply to self/expert/vanity/POD publishing, a look at some  authors who have self published and gone on to reap precisely the same benefits.

1. One significant outcome of writing a technical, non-fiction book in your field of expertise is that your standing in your field suddenly seems to have a lot more weight. Next time you update your bio-data, resume on any site or for an application, don’t forget to mention that you are an author. You have now moved ahead of competition.

Notice how even well-known personalities like to display the title of being an “author” with their name and designation.

2. You now have something the print media can talk about – your book and in the process your skill, expertise and they let the world know about it. Go dig up that chance. Newspapers, radio talks, blogs and more.

3. One benefit of self publishing  is that publishing a book, can become the basis to be invited to give a talk on the radio or at a college/literary festival. A talk on a topic on which the book is based or on the book itself or other topics that could emanate from the book. That’s critical factor amongst many that Jaipur Literary Festival looks at. ‘Have you published a book in the preceding year?’

4.  Publishing a book establishes creditability for you as a person, entrepreneur and a professional. Suddenly you are better known and recognized. It develops a feeling amongst the public that you are genuine (after all media has endorsed you) and safe for them to deal with. Go ahead play up your book!

5. Becoming an author improves your standing in your community/society.

6. Publishing a book is testing of waters for your writing skills as an author.

7. It is a stepping stone to finally being recognized and lapped up by a large publishing company.

8. The last but not the least, there is a fair chance that your confidence in your ability as a writer and a master salesman is not misplaced. You WERE right and your books are flying off the shelves!

Simply put there are many benefits of self publishing. It can help you open many doors, you just have to keep a lookout and work towards it. Grab that opportunity and open doors, as many as you possibly can.

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