Circus Of Life - ZorbaBooks

Circus Of Life

by Kartar S Birar


ISBN 978-93-87456-70-9
Languages English
Pages 104
Cover Paperback


‘Circus of life’ by Brig kartar Singh contains four parts. Part-1 has twelve poems form birth to death as applicable in twenty first century. Part-2 has eight poems on some problems facing the Nation today. Part-3 has seven poems on some aspect of life and time today. Part-4 has five modern short stories which are relevant today for contemporary generation.
The author has done full justice to his poetic talent to describe William Shakespeare’s “Seven Stages of Life” as applicable today. The poems of National problems are so relevant and appropriate that the Government need to take
notice of these problems and remedies. Life and time poems are light and humourous and make interesting reading.
The five short stories are mix of modern times and contemporary psychological aspects of love and life. The stories ‘Beauty and Brain’ and ‘Made for Each Other” make very interesting reading.
I recommend the book to be read by all English literature fans and be kept in most school and college libraries. I also wish good luck to Brig Kartar Singh for his future Ventures.
Professor (Dr) Mehtab Singh
HoD Dept of English
University of Pilani.

Other books by the author, Click here

The author talks about his secret to writing a book, in this video

About the Author
Brigadier Kartar Singh Birar (Retd) has been Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of Patanjali for over three year and officiating VC for one year. He has been VC of Shridhar University Pilani for two years, He holds five post graduations alongwith M.Phil and fellowship programme in ‘Emotional Intelligence’. He has served the Indian Army for 34 years and has held important command, instructional and staff appointments. He is dagger Defence Services Staff College wellington, commanded a line of control Brigade and has been Brigadier-in charge Administration of the Punjab Corps.
He is life member of Academy of Applied Psychology and a leading consultant in Health Psychology, Psychoanalytic problems and Psycho-sexual problems.


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