Singapore Sling - ZorbaBooks

Singapore Sling

by Lata Vishwanath


E-Book Price ₹59 / $1.99

ISBN 978-93-86407-94-8
Languages English
Pages 176
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


“I have come to know of your lover for whom your love turned ‘Undying’ so soon. I want to meet her and see what she has got that I couldn’t give you.” Was Zafar having a clandestine affair as his wife suspected, or was he simply a man caught up in strange cirumstances?
Cheated by an agent, university topper Sharanjeet found herself working as a maid in Singapore – would she ever escape her circumstances?
A shriek in the middle of the night, the body of a corporate executive laying slain, a confession by a migrant worker from India – is it an open and shut case or a tangled love story?
Being in love is no crime except in the eyes of Patricia’s man-hating boss – with fiancé Gerard refusing to be treated like a dirty secret, Patricia must find the key to her boss’s heart.
Going from the simple to the delicately cocktailed this sumptuous platter of stories set in modern Singapore are a feast for the readers.

About the Author
Lata made her first foray into writing about a decade ago. Since then she has written several articles for magazines and blog sites. Some of her work can be viewed at her website Her debut non-fiction work “Autumn Showers” will soon be released. She has completed a collection of short stories and a children’s book. A diligent writer she is also working on two novels. She is an active participant in writers’ and lit festivals in Singapore and India. She was also a selected participant in 2016 for creative writing passion trail by Times of India group.  An engineer by training, Lata has worked with a premier research institute under A*Star of Singapore, prior to entering the writing arena.


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