Spiritual Insight - ZorbaBooks
Spiritual Insight

Spiritual Insight

by Ekta Sawhney


ISBN 978-93-5896-914-6
Languages English
Pages 64
Cover Paperback


Spiritual Insight

 A step Towards Freedom


“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life,” says the Buddha. The word Spirituality is taken from ‘spiritus’ which means ‘that which gives life to the self’. Spirituality does not have any accepted definition, but it is that which defines our lives. It is an essential ingredient to make us aware of our life purpose. ‘Spiritual Insight: A Step Towards Freedom’, is a Research based non-fiction work on Spirituality. With ten different chapters related to the concept, it also has occasional excerpts with lessons drawn from the author’s personal life. The mission of the book is not to sermonize but provide the reader with tools to identify and accept their own true selves.

About the Author

Dr. Ekta Sawhney works as Assistant Professor in the area of Communications at Alliance Ascent College, Alliance University, Bangalore. Her research area focuses on the broad spectrum of Spirituality. Having published two volumes of poetry earlier, this is her first attempt at writing a book on Spirituality and spiritual life. She is a true believer in the immense potentialities of a human being. Her writings always remind people of their innate strength to overcome all odds. Her interests include reading about Mysticism and Paranormal Phenomenon. She also has a deep interest in reading about Sufism.

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