Books You Should Be Reading Now

Read Books to suit your different moods.

Even though everyday life is resuming, most of us are spending a lot more time at home than usual. Many of you are often wondering, “Which book should I read?” How to find good books to read? We have compiled a list of books to read to suit your mood and desires. Want to lift your mood? We have suggestions for you. Feeling demotivated? We have recommendations for you. Want a good book but with just enough heaviness to put you to sleep – we even have suggestions for the same! Our research for a list of books to read focuses on the latest releases, Indian authors, and your moods and desires.


Books to Read to Boost Your Morale

Feeling low? These books are here to uplift you when you’re feeling down, books to read when depressed. With inspiring stories and words of wisdom, they’ll give you hope and help you feel better:

  1. One Foot on the Ground: A Life Told Through the Body by Shanta Gokhale

This book can be summed up in a few words: it will make you smile. Shanta Gokhale narrates her life – the good and the ugly – with effortless humour and wisdom. Through this entertaining memoir, Gokhale teaches us life lessons and will help you look back at your own life with fondness.

  • Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

Already a top-seller, Jay Shetty shares his learnings from his time practising as a monk in the Vedic tradition, in his upcoming book. Think Like a Monk promises empowering lessons on topics ranging from overcoming negativity to ultimately finding some calm in life, which is needed now more than ever.

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

“When you want something, the whole universe will conspire together to help you get it.” Paul Coelho provides an inspirational read, teaching us important life lessons about destiny in a fantasy setting. It is a hopeful book about taking control of your life, which might be the motivation you need during these times, the book to read when you feel lost.

Isha leads a fairly regular and complacent life until she suddenly loses her sister to an accident. She begins to questions the value of everything around her, including her goals and desires. This leads her to a beautiful journey of self-exploration. A great book to read when depressed, looking for guidance.

In the Mood for Some Romantic Reads? 

Romantic books to read.
Which are the  best romantic books?
Romantic Books to Read
  1. Those Pricey Thakur Girls by Anuja Chauhan

If there were ever a perfect light summer read, Those Pricey Thakur Girls would be it. Set in New Delhi in the 1980s, the story follows the Thakur family, specifically their five daughters, named alphabetically. Chauhan is known for her witty, funny romances that provide the best way to escape the present.

Also see: The Zoya Factor

  • A Second Chance by Sudeep Nagarkar

Another new release, A Second Chance, discusses the main character, Disha’s quest for love through different stages of her life. Sudeep Nagarkar takes on the familiar story about missed connections and second chances and gives it new life.

  • When Love Came Calling by Preeti Shenoy

Preeti Shenoy crafts a sweet, young-age romance between Puja and Arush, stark opposites that fall for each other when they meet in rural Kerala. A highlight of the novel is the beautiful descriptions of Kerala and its history, providing the perfect setting for a dramatic love story.

Love, loss, longing, friendship, marriage, motherhood…so many strands…so many twists and turns…the book makes us keenly aware of how fragile relationships can be.

Books to Read to Cure Your Boredom

to read books with humour
Out of Your Mind with Boredom? Read Books with Humour

If you’re feeling bored in quarantine like everyone else, these books to read are easy pick-me-ups. The following novels are here to distract you and give you some laughs: 

  1. Mrs. Funnybones by Twinkle Khanna

If you’ve enjoyed the Mrs. Funnybones column, this book is definitely for you. If not, don’t worry, you’re going to love this book. An easy, witty read, Mrs. Funnybones is much more than an extension of her successful column. This book will keep you laughing as Twinkle Khanna shares her sharp takes on life.

  • Tongue-in-Cheek: The Funny Side of Life by Khyrunnisa A.

This collection of anecdotes is precisely the kind of book you need for a quick boost in mood. These bite-sized stories are perfect for readers and non-readers alike, and you’ll enjoy humorous pieces on relatable “day-to-day encounters” that you might be missing in quarantine.

  • Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

Actress and comedian Mindy Kaling writes a terrific memoir about her life, filled with relatable observations and opinions on life in general. If you’re looking for some funny, big-sister type of advice, this book is the best option.

Before getting a job, he had a life. He roamed about with his pals, watched birds, hit on the girl he loved, went to bed, and woke up as and when and he wanted. Welcome to Vishesh Mehta’s life. Or, have I stolen the story of your own life? Find out…

In Need of Some Motivation?

Motivational Books to read
Best motivational Books
Best Motivational Books

We’ve all been blessed with a little more free time, these books will help you use it wisely, books to read for motivation, will change your life:

  1. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl 

Man’s Search for Meaning chronicles the author’s experiences in a Nazi concentration camp and how he got himself through it with the power of positivity. While it is a heavy read, this beautifully written book discusses the importance of purpose and it might change your life.

  • Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Albert Liebermann and Hector Garcia

Ikigai is a Japanese principle of living life with purpose, and the book goes into methods by which one can live a happy life. After interviewing the people of Okinawa, who statistically have the longest life spans, the authors relay the secrets to the art of living. If you want to use this time to work on yourself and your goals, pick up a copy of Ikigai (everyone else is)!

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear

Coming from an expert in decision-making, Atomic Habits teaches us how small habits can lead to a large impact. With stories from Olympic gold-medalists and more, this book is perfect for those who wish to build better, healthier habits in quarantine

The author describes the ways to self-development, realization, and the fulfilment of all your dreams.

Looking to Improve Your Health?

health Books to read,
Books on healthy Living
Books on Healthy Living

These books will help calm those who are feeling anxious about their wellbeing and health quotient. With tips and tricks to help you stay healthy, these books to read are must-have for anyone looking to start their health journey:

  1. The Coronavirus: What You Need to Know about the Global Pandemic by Maherra Desai, Rajesh Parikh, and Swapneil Parikh

Coming from a collection of doctors, this handbook to COVID-19 will provide you with the basics of what you need to know. Analyzing past trends and detailing symptoms, this comprehensive guide is for those who want to be prepared.

  • Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

James Nestor dives deep into the art of breathing, as shares his findings after traveling the world. Needed now more than ever, Breath teaches why and how you should breathe right. You might be surprised to see the importance of proper breathing and how it might improve almost every system in your body.

  • An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System: A Tale in Four Lives by Matt Richtel

This book might sound intimidating, but it’s a surprisingly entertaining read on our immune systems using the stories of patients and doctors. If recent times have got you more interested in how your body works, this book has got you covered.

The ‘Beyond Breath’ – biohacking book, explains as to how one can increase their bodily power to the highest possible level, with alternate theories. No diet – No implants!

Great Books to Fall Asleep With

While these books are heavy, they’re definitely not boring! They’ll leave you wanting to read more when you wake up:

  1. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Quarantine is a great time to undertake a novel such as Sapiens. As the title suggests, the book goes through the history of mankind and evolution. It will leave you thinking deeply about humanity, and help you make sense of the world now. 

  • Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman introduces the two systems of the mind – fast judgments and critical analysis – that drive the way we think. By learning how they work together to influence our behavior, Thinking Fast and Slow will revolutionize the way you make decisions.

Guiding you through the central teachings of Hinduism, this book will give you a better understanding of the Hindu belief system. The Hindu Way introduces the core philosophies of Hinduism without being intimidating and encourages you to view it from a new lens.

For more books on Hinduism

Hopefully, there were a few books on the list that caught your eye. This is the perfect time to enrich yourself with our list of books to read for your every mood. These books will uplift you, motivate you, and make you laugh or cry (in a good way). Above all, they’re here to distract you and give you some hope. So, go forth and read! There’s never been a better time.