The Actor who could Connect: The Genius of Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair - ZorbaBooks
kalamandalam krishnan nair

The Actor who could Connect: The Genius of Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair

by Mohan Gopinath


E-Book Price ₹125 / $3.99

ISBN 9789385020230
Languages English
Pages 170
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair was one of the most talented and versatile of Kathakali actors. His genius lay in how he would bring about a new perspective to the way a particular character was interpreted. He encouraged younger actors and gave them pointers on how to enact a particular role. This book analyses how he brought a new dimension to the stage and draws parallels with Shakespearean characters and Aristotle’s concept of the tragic hero. It also covers what connoisseurs of the dance form have to say about him and his acting.

Dr Gopinath is related to Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair through the latter’s wife Smt. Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty Amma, the ultimate guru of Mohiniyattam.

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About The Author

Dr. Mohan Gopinath Ph.D. is a Professor of Organizational Leadership and Strategy with the Alliance School of Business, Alliance University and lives in Bangalore. He holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi where he also worked as a member of the faculty. He has co-authored Business Drama: How Shakespearean insights help leaders manage volatile contexts, and written a memoir titled Does the Spearmint Lose its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight? And another novel called The Intruder: a Nocturnal Interlude. Passionate about Kathakali, Mohan has written research papers exploring the dance form. He has also written several case studies and papers on organizational development and banking. Mohan spent the major part of his career as a banker with Hongkong Bank (HSBC) at locations around the globe. He is a keen tennis player and lover of nature. He was trained in Kathakali singing and has sung on stage for Kathakali performances in India and the Middle East. He can be reached at Dr. Mohan Gopinath is related to Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair through the latter’s wife Smt. Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty Amma, the
ultimate guru of Mohiniyattam.

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