This manual is a compilation of various laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, trivia, judgments passed for administering better treatment to animals and for their protection, welfare and safety. It gives an insight into the animal rights and laws that currently prevail in India. It is a compilation of animal laws in India, for ready reference
I conceived of this book ‘Animals and the Law,’ as there is a dearth of material on laws pertaining to animals. The endeavor was to make it non-technical and informative for the reader. The book of animal laws in India, compiles the law, cases decided by courts, and trivia which would interest everyone. It is also a peek into the complex world of animals and the tightrope that they walk in their co-existence with humans. I have received the able support of my colleague Ritikaa Modee, who invested her time in the endeavor.
About the Author
- Passionate about Animal Welfare, nature and heritage. Forever willing to provide pro bono services for a cause.
- Certificate Holder of Course on Private International Law – International Court of Justice, Hague, Netherlands ( 2016) ;
- BSL, LLB (1994) from Symbiosis Law College, Pune;
- Diploma in Consumer Protection Laws from the University of Poona in 1993-94.
- Certificate Holder of Course on Patents jointly conducted by Government of Andhra Pradesh and CII.
- Ex- Senior Associate with M/s.Crawford Bayley;
- Company, Solicitors, Mumbai ;
- Previously part of Chambers of Mr Arshad M Hidayatullah, Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of India.
- Pan Gujarat Practice in District Courts, Revenue Courts, Consumer Courts, Judicial and quasi-judicial authorities, Documentation.
- Member – Academic Advisory Board – School of Business and Law, Navrachana University, Baroda
- Independent Director
- Ex-Director ( Public Interest ) on the Vadodara Stock Exchange appointed by SEBI.
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